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i cant post on /jp/
I every time I try to say something but i got this error msg
It works for me! nyaoo

We get that message when we delete a thread, are you perhaps a undercover mod-sama 2.0? glare
A specific thread, or all threads?
I did some testings but it seems to be working fine unsure
When I try to start a thread I get that message (;´Д`)
Again, I could create a thread fine unsure
I would suspect it's some unknown issue that only your system can produce, but that can't be the case since you created this thread
Werk'd 4 me 2: https://img.heyuri.net/jp/koko.php?res=877

I just thought, are u trying to use emoji in ur thread? They currently don't work outside of Off-Topic, since the databases of other boards weren't updated sweat2
They are now updated 😊
w00t!!1 🎉
Thank q ☺☺☺

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