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File: george.png
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Would this be considered rule 8?
I dont see how it violates rule 8 in any possible way. MAYBE rule 7 but that seems like a huge stretch... referencing recent events isnt a violation of the rules
File: shrug.gif
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^Like the post above, I don't think it breaks Rule 8.

Maybe a case could be made that the image is R8 by virtue of it being a popular image to b8 people with on 4chan, so the course of action would be to delete the file. Taking it at face value, the post is just making a connection between one fact to another. If it was intended as flame bait, then it failed hard. That might be owed to the maturity of our users than anything else, or the fact that there's been less activity today.

Maybe... all of this is just a massive leap in logic compared to what OP intended.
I'm leaving it as it is until the head mod weighs in. This is more his territory.
Not rule breaking!

It would only break Rule 7 if OP was seriously worked up or extremist over a social/political issue and/or acting like /pol/ / Twitter, and it would only break Rule 8 if they were posting/referencing lame nu-4chan/internet memes along with it

For reference (since it doesn't happen often), here's a thread from early Heyuri that eventually got baleeted for Rule 7: https://archive.is/99y9C
My ISP hates archive.is for some reason now, so I cant view the forum post (;´Д`)
sounds like you need to change isp. that should be illegal for them to do thatangry
Try replacing .is with .vn, .ph, or .li
Sometimes changing your DNS is all you need
File: limonovArrest.jpg
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Limonov mentioned astonish onigiri

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