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should I delete these threads, or leave them up? they always get autosage'd, but he doesn't stop making them.
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and another...
I muted him as well for good measure, but he'll hop on another proxy and just make more. At this point I think we should just treat his posts the same as spam.
He posts these repeatedly on multiple imageboards, not just Heyuri.
Agreed it should be treated as spam at this point
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I have tried talking with him serious and had a long conversation. But it leads nowhere... while teh other one was fucking fun! xp

sorry for that... :3:
Mefound another spammer
His threads so far on Heyuri didn't turn out bad thanks to us, but it's possible he will continue to create those threads
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You can tell when a thread's from 4/v/ the moment it starts with a statement like "x is the best/worst", especially if it's something highly subjective or controversial sweat2
can I delete poop pic threads? not because they break any rules but just because they're gross (´~`)
I do not like them either - but I think part of a /b/ board is just that... user have no choice to accept things they may or may not like.

I did however decide to remove a ANOTHER FF8 thread. I will consider that as spam IF not anything new is added besides "Is this a good game"? Clearly a troll post.
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>can I delete poop pic threads? not because they break any rules but just because they're gross (´~`)
Until the day comes where we receive glorious girl p00p, use uBlock Origin liek I do
Unless it gets spammy, guro images (of either dimensions as in Japanese definition) r not banned
I figured that would be the case... but it was worth asking
>part of a /b/ board is just that... user have no choice to accept things they may or may not like
That's an argument against any an all rules, including and especially rule 8.
I disagree - as rule 8 are to separate the barrier between nu-chan culture and old imageboard culture. A random board is random neither the less time period. Which means poop threads could exist then as for now. How ever - rule 8 content could not exist then. Thus accepting it would also mean failing what Heyuri tries to be.
Off-Topic@Heyuri is fairly random, but it isn't a "random board" like 4chan's "/b/ - Random" (where the commonly-held-but-far-from-true belief is that "the only rule is that there are no rules, anything goes as long as it's legal"). There are established rules about what can and can't be posted (p00p currently falling in teh "can" camp), and they are enforced with baleetions and/or bans when they're broken

Rule 8's purpose is less about being a barrier between "old and new imageboard culture", but more about clearing out certain forms of crap (metaphorically speaking...) that have historically bogged down many imageboards and other interweb communities over the past 10-15 years - this allows Heyuri to be "Heyuri" rather than a generic "it's present-day 4chan but with 3 monthly users" website like we've all seen and rolled our eyes at before

New material from 4chan or elsewhere doesn't automatically = Rule 8, but dumb "troll technique of the week/month/year/jesus-christ-are-u-srsly-still-posting-this" stuff is usually アウト, and posting one community's in-jokes to another community is usually lame
I think poop threads should be rule 8:
Annoys users + no LOLs
Rule 8.d is in dire need of rewording sweat2

It was originally "no shitposting or ironic shitposting", referring to things like the "WHATA FUCK MAN XDDDDDD" copypasta and other generic "I'm mocking you via exaggerated parody" retorts, but it was later decided that the term "shitposting" itself was Rule 8-esque, had too many wildly varying interpretations (from "making low quality posts" to "any form of humor/joke on the internet"), and a lot of our non-imageboard-derived users had no idea what it meant

So we tried to describe it in other words, hoping to clarify teh situation - clearly we failed at doing so, since now many seem to think it means "anything that personally annoys me or I don't find funny" xd

In another possibly vain attempt at explaining it, posting ur p00p on Heyuri is not Rule 8.d, but replying with something like "wOw iM sO qUiRkY aNd EdGy By PoStInG mY pOoP oN tHe InTeRnEt XDDDD *holds up spork*" is
I am a huge fan of the poop threads, they are a staple of heyurian culture and should be PERMITTED!
long live pooposting
Permitting that literal shit is a good way of slowly stagnating the website.
When I go on Heyuri and the first thing I see is a picture of someone's shit I am a lot less likely to browse or make any posts, and I'm sure a lot of other users feel the same way.
Give it time, it'll go away, poop threads come and go. The current one was created only because some teen from VidLii started attention whoring, also video about Heyuri is on the front page of VidLii right now. Poop posting is a good way to scare away retards
Thing is, we don't need to "scare away" people since moderation will just take care of any rule breakers.
Besides, shit threads aren't going to scare away retards, it'll only attract them, they'll think they're in good company. I don't think cultivating a community of people who like that sort of thing will be good for Heyuri in the long term.

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