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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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How much longer do you think Heyuri has left before it joins the long list of dead image board sites?
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two hundred years. by then, Heyuri the imageboard will no longer be necessary because we will recreate it irl with a technologic neko-loli singularity, or a nekololic singularity for short biggrin
Heyuri has already died several times in the past, and it always comes back stronger than other. Its actually quite resilient considering the mountain of drama it once dealt with.
In that sense, it's sort of akin to a cockroach, but in a good way.
its less fun to worry about when somethings gonna die than it is to just enjoy it while its here biggrin
I imagine internet laws getting too strict and this site getting taken down before it ever "dies"
Controlling teh internet is hard as it get regulated in each country differently. However, sadly... EU exist and so does US. I do not count in Asia as they are already doing their own thing.
Makes sense that the admin is a Turk
LOL'd biggrin
I hate this way of thinking, Heyuri will die but it really doesn't matter. We all will have our gay little memories from it. Things end but new things come but either way im gonna be sad when heyuri does die
and when Heyuri does die, we carve out a new spot somewhere with some chan software and a VPS and start anew in the life-death cycle
I agree. It will be sad when Heyuri dies, but that's ok. things come and go, and the important thing is that it was here in the first place to provide the memories of LULZ and anime with relatively-like-minded people. as i've said once before about a year ago; https://img.heyuri.net/o/potiboard.php?res=618
forgot to add — but since it's still here, let's enjoy the moment ^_^
I'll never forget heyuri, even when it goes down, even when im on my death bed, never ever!
I'll never forget heyuri, even when it goes down, even when im on my death bed, never ever!
uhh, i dont know why that sent twice, but the message is reiterated!
Heyuri acknowledges your fighting spirit nyaoo-closedeyes
THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeIjmvZZ_SQ
In the ol'd days we always said
>You shut one site down we multiply
I'm sure there is going to be replacement.wink
However I'm kinda worried about the probs over @ 4chinz.unsure
Imagine all the twatter and redditfags there flooding our oldchansmona2
something like this is nothing specialdance2dance2

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