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/b/ is being flooded with low quality thread, including yet another thread from the spammer-kun
You shouldn't have deleted that period thread. I was drafting a post that would have single-handedly saved it.cry
that sounds promising. nyaoo2
should someone remake the thread then?
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You can remake the thread, I just deleted it because the OP image was a really low-res of a certain frog... and a Simpsons character?
I figured it wasn't worth saving, but your draft sounds promising so be my guest. biggrin
I don't see a frog. it looks like a simpsons character in a green shirt driving a car in the evening, and in his headlights he's caught sight of another guy climbing over a wooden fence. you sure you're not just seeing things? sweat2
yeah that's apu who is also frog pepe's retarded cousin
they do have the same name, huh? xd
>I just deleted it because the OP image was a really low-res of a certain frog...
That's not a certain frog, and even if it was, there's a "delete file only" option sweat2

That said, I'm in full support of wiping hyper-compressed, upscaled low-res images off the face of teh interwebs biggrin
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>I don't see a frog. it looks like a simpsons character in a green shirt driving a car in the evening

Oh shit, you're right.

Having already deleted a previous thread that was clearly spam, I skimmed over the post and my retarded brain had come to the genius conclusion the green shirt and brown hands of the indian clerk guy was somehow to be the head and lips of that green guy. Here's a picture I made in MS Paint to better illustrate how this happened.

>That said, I'm in full support of wiping hyper-compressed, upscaled low-res images off the face of teh interwebs

Well as they say, sometimes the best accomplishments are achieved in ignorance. sweat2
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I'm a little new so maybe I should lurk more, but the loli and shota threads are a bit annoying.

It's fine if there's an actual topic or a lot of people are posting, or if it's funny, but there are a lot of threads where someone's just horny for a particular pic and they just want to post it, and the text they include is more there to justify the image than anything - there's no real topic, it's just a garbage shitpost thread.

I don't see how it functionally differs from threads that break rule 6.
>I'm a little new so maybe I should lurk more
99% of the tiem, this is true.
...this is one of those times nyaoo-closedeyes
>there are a lot of threads where someone's just horny for a particular pic and they just want to post it, and the text they include is more there to justify the image than anything - there's no real topic
...this is the very basis of the imageboard format, and the correct usage of it sweat2
I guess what I mean is that good threads invite more than a few replies... that way there's interaction and LOLs. Theres nothing new to say to a loli unless the pic is funny. If I just wanted to see a loli for no reason I'd go on gelbooru. I agree that it's technically correct usage but that doesn't mean it's a quality thread.

But I mean I can understand this being a part of site culture and nobody else caring, so for now I'll just keep scrolling past them. Sorry to disrupt sweat3
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There's no requirement for every/most/any threads to house lengthy discussions, since there's no provable correlation between number of replies and goodness/quality (see: the average imageboard general and sticky). Good/quality threads can (and often do) have little-to-no replies, and bad/crappy threads can (and often do) have many replies smile

I'd even argue that a higher percentage of Off-Topic@Heyuri threads with lengthy "discussions" inspire less OC and are teh sux0rz compared to our traditional, Heyuri-core, "spontaneously-posted image with a couple of quick reactions/comments before everyone moves on" threads biggrin
well the thread you posted is good yeah. i loled happy
meant to reply to >>64752-san fuck fuck FUCK!!!!!11!!!1!!!!
i think these are both wonderful threads and i am grateful for your hard work screencapping these threads
Hi, spam-kun. How's it going?
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I found spam-kun on tons of other imageboard doing teh same shit.
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you should post these pics in those threads and spread the word that he's a fag who always demands answers despite never accepting any, and never even delivering anything worthwhile wink
it also might be fun to give him a nickname. like maybe he's the anti-drawfag because his drawings have no draw. x3
So far i've called him "artfag"
"Spam-kun" on Heyuri traditionally refers to generic botspam (mainly on Strange World) and the notorious "posts CP on every imageboard at once" guy

This "six digits" guy is believed to be the same user who was dubbed "crazy-kun" on Strange World for repeatedly flooding the board with hundreds of nonsensical posts (saying things like "well I guess the camels know it after all don't you?") and also posted a ton of surreal doodles on Oekaki (such as this thread https://img.heyuri.net/o/potiboard.php?res=1234 )
he seems too lucid to be crazy-kun, considering you can actually make out what he's trying to say. but maybe he just really lets loose on SW?
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>but maybe he just really lets loose on SW?
I think that's the case - if you ever tried asking him to stop, he would reply to you essentially saying some variation of "fuck you I do what I want", showing he was totally aware of what he was doing and also able to determine which posts were from other users and directed at him sweat3

I suspect it's also the same guy who was posting from a mental institution last year (before he seemingly escaped) and posted these images - he was similarly flood-happy and made many barely-coherent, vaguely-religious posts (even spamming pictures of his face at one point, calling himself "satan" dark)
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Pretty sure he came from 4/f/
what zeitgeist does to a man...

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