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I only posted this yesterday and now it's gone and im banned until 2048.

Can someone tell me whats going on?
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K closed-eyes
Well I only made one post in several days so it's not me.
Oh now I get it. My IP is the 188.4 one so it's even diffrent from the rest of them.
If that's the case, I apologize for mistaking you for the other guy - he was in the middle of his usual "post Rule 8, get b&, hop IP, repeat" schtick he's been doing for months, and your post looked exactly like one of his while having a very similar IP, so I had reason to believe it was him sweat2

That said, while I don't remember exactly what you posted along with that image (since there was lots of other bullshit and trolling attempts going on last night dark), I wouldn't have suspected ur post of being his if it didn't look and read exactly like one unsure

Either way, I'll request kaguya to undo teh b& - gomennasai! orz
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it's been undone
>> 88 KB
Thanks for clearing the misunderstanding biggrin

I only posted the image and it was in friday thread + i saw other RM post so i thought it fits cry
TL;DR: mods being fags
Mods make mistakes too, you know glare1
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you guys talking about me?

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I don't think I will be out of new ips anytime soon
Good point, our banning module can use some updates:
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I dare you
is the janny greek or is it forbidden to say nigger anymore closed-eyes


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