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Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted - in my opinion it shouldn't have been. Anyway, here's the reply I wanted to make to it:

Rule 7 is basically the "don't devolve into modern-day /pol/ or Twitter when it comes to controversial political/social topics" rule. Earlier this year, there was a big increase in the amount of times "tranny" was being thrown about and used to troll/bait (in both directions), so we decided to clamp down on it

It's not that it can't be mentioned entirely, nor that u can't post ur hawt meatspin pr0nz - it's just that any kind of post-2014 style arguments/debates/trolling/"pinkpilling"/needlessly-slipping-mentions-of-it-into-everything/etc. are B&, and less leniency will be shown compared to other political/social topics (where we let a lot of things slide until things go seriously awry)

Regarding what happened in 64704-san's screencap - User A said their favorite game was Fallout New Vegas, and User B replied by calling them a tranny. That's Rule 7, but also Rule 8 due to it apparently being a meme on certain fail websites

Also, friendly reminder to n00b mods: if the action to take isn't clear, or you have any doubts at all, it's best to leave it alone for somebody else to deal with. Definitely don't just listen to the first reply you get on /q/ about it and start baleeting things sweat2
Ah, I see! I'm so sorry!!! (;´Д`) (;´Д`) (;´Д`)
I was a bit unsure about the report myself, but I was also a bit torn about leaving the post alone if it really was rule-breaking. I felt as though urgency was better than accuracy, which shows how much of a noob I really am (´~`)
a post that is left alone can be deleted later, but a post that is deleted is gone forever...
that is why it is best to leave it alone if you are unsure. ( ´,_ゝ`)
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Don't worry about it, that particular post wasn't really worth saving anyways. Mod-san's explanation is a good reference for the future cases
>Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted
OP deleted it himself

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