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heyuri is not a company. its not a place that adds junk for outlier users. its one persons vision that is not controlled by there stock holders or a overseer rules (overseers being like discord and other chat places).

you could say its the people who run heyuri. but would it still be the same if it was a place like discord while still having the same rules and owners?

there is even meta memes on discord that is, one user takes a meme from one sever and posts it in another.
just copy and paste the same reaction GIFs and stickers over and over until it becomes super unoriginal.

even if that spam was stopped on discord, it would not even be as fun, as i had ran 3 servers with 500+ users but stepped down from them each due to me being bipolar or "gone schizo again"

I was looking at this thread and the bass hunter video caught my eye with the irc client.

the irc chat room was flying. he had control over the room. he was not pressured by anyone but besides himself to make changes as he see fit. it seemed perfect. what i believed killed it is people who had a vision and knew how to set up things like that, lost interest. the vision people got from it was also lost. this could be how things like Skype and discord got around in popularity since it was like person's vision but more stable since its a company. that then turns bad because share holders and increasing profit margins by any means necessary

i might have just explained culture with shared vision?

my last discord server was music server. once i stepped down, it kinda collapsed with me. but the others who got the power really really did nothing with it and it bled out (due to no vision?). it became a place where the people would only post a new song and then tab out until next song release.

what I believe makes heyuri the place to be is. the owner and not being pressured to fallow a format. it being a platform that can easily add new things. the people running it has a vision (witch is not as simple as the average person thinks).

I believe the hardest part is getting noticed as a website on the internet.
Yes, having a leader with a strong vision is an important part of any project worth undertaking. Otherwise it turns bad and the whole thing becomes another case of lightning momentarily caught in a bottle.
It's hard to tell what exactly makes Heyuri nice. It's thanks to a miraculous chain of events that we have it biggrin
>It's thanks to a miraculous chain of events that we have it
That's true to an extent, but let's not overlook all the effort, hard work, development, struggles, dilemmas, debates, brainstorming, stress, crises, campaigns, trial & error, and so on that we've gone through to get here sweat2

It's always a little disheartening to see people speaking as if Heyuri as it stands before us today just exists out of nowhere or that we've lucked into anything, when really it's the result of 3+ years of individuals sacrificing time, money, and effort to make it happen, as well as countless contributions from users, active monitoring and action from volunteers, and people imparting decades of knowledge & experience to help guide us through all the common (and less common) pitfalls that have destroyed so many others

More than anything else, Heyuri is the product of passion and perseverance - it is no accident smile
I agree and all those people putting their time and effort for Heyuri is precisely the miracle I was talking about smile
so is it the topics we discus? is it a shared vision? is it the eagerness to know what will be the next OC? is it the trust we have with one another? is it the hard work the admins put in?
i know all are probably true but i want to know witch is the back bone.

i hope its the trust i would like to see heyuri do a offline meetup in japan or some other place. I dont belive any other EN chan would ever be able to pull something like this off besides heyuri.
>i hope its the trust i would like to see heyuri do a offline meetup in japan or some other place. I dont belive any other EN chan would ever be able to pull something like this off besides heyuri.
4chan and its various boards (even specific threads/generals) have had countless offline meetups/events/protests LOL over the years, and even larger offshoots liek 8chan had several. There were even spontaneous meetups where someone would post "sup [board], I'm in X" with a pic of their surroundings, and then a while later another pic would get posted showing 1 or more other users had shown up

It's more a matter of population size than anything else. Moar users = moar likely to have clusters living in the same part of the world
Every website has their own template personality that you have to fit, Heyuri has that too, but the difference is that here it revolves around being silly instead of being hostile towards something.
I've said it before, the difference with heyuri is that we're here to have fun with each other instead of despite each other
i luv ya guys blush
w00t!!1 iyahoo

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