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I've been going on Heyuri for a while, and I feel like Heyuri has lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude. It has been replaced with:
1. A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
2. a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
3. Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
4. Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
5. General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture

I dont like it. It wasnt like this before, but as time goes on, the userbase was replaced with new people who dont understand this site. Its turned into the exact same culture that most "splinter of 4chan" websites go, instead of the "going its own way" vision that lolico/kuz wrote about on the front page.
I recognize your writing style nyaoo

If you are asking for a looser moderation, that shouldn't ever happen on Heyuri. Our strict moderation is the only thing keeping us from becoming one of those "splinter of 4chan" sites you mentioned
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>A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
I don't see it. most heyuri posts aren't particularly SRS BSNS, and most people are just chatting about wut they liek. at the very most, they take pride in being heyurizens, and I see that as a good thing.
>a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
the public bans last like 10 seconds and are just a reminder about the rules. some newbies wouldn't care to listen if their fellow users nagged them about the rules, so it's appropriate for one of the staff-samas to be the one to let them know instead
>Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
it's not a punishment if the ban isn't a real ban. ┐(゚~゚)┌
>Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
do you have examples? because most the threads I've seen autosaged or deleted didn't have much value
>General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture
I haven't felt that way at all, being pretty carefree myself. if you're continually troubled by the enforcement of rule 8 and such, maybe heyuri is just not your kind of place?
In regards to random posts being deleted, please don't be afraid to strike a conversation about it through either a thread on /q/ or on the report thread — we do make mistakes, and having second opinions always help. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Most of those points boil down to "mods suck and I haet teh rules" unsure

Anyway, I think u should define how long the "while" you've been on Heyuri is, cuz if Heyuri pride and random/joke/arbitrary autosages/deletions/bans/etc is ur bone to pick, u definitely would have hated 2020 Heyuri sweat2
I'll add a little more:

You say that you think Heyuri has "lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude", and I think that's true to some extent - however, that's primarily because these days Heyuri is constantly being targetted by intentional/compulsive rule-breakers, drama shit stirrers, raiders, insane people who spam dozens/hundreds of nonsensical posts per day, spambots, CP spammers, and so on dark

Even putting aside the impact that stuff has on the board, when you're faced with that kind of crap half the time you check the site and you have to stop doing all the things you wanted to be doing to deal with it lest the site becomes completely unusable for everyone else, it's difficult to "feel good" or be "happy and carefree" all the time sweat3

And what ur also not seeing is that the majority of moderated posts you will have seen were from the same handful of serial Rule 8-posting, ban-evading fags who've been B& dozens of times in the past. They are effectively permab&, but since we don't actually have a permaban feature, we just have to keep dealing with them over and over. They suck and they ruin the atmosphere we often have going, so forgive me if I'm a little dejected or grouchy sometimes closed-eyes2

I just want 2 have fun on teh interwebs cry
I agree, deleting the Christ Chan thing felt kinda overkillsweat3
I am always highly suspicious about these treads, as it could equal be much of an outside was anyone else. I cut myself some slack from longpost as much is already said.

However, I wanna be clear that I wish to nothing to do with pol here. So if Christ-chan come from there, no thanks. I am glad its gone.
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If you're unfamiliar with christ-chan - or you are familiar and ur just a disingenuous fag looking to cause some division - pls STFU about it

It's not "funny kawaii imageboard -tan girl, protected imageboard culture" - it's "/pol/ went and formulated several characters for the express purpose of pushing their crap into the imageboard anime fandom, and it worked" closed-eyes2

This one time only, I'm going to post a handful of old christ-chan images from the more regrettable portions of my 8chan days as an example 4 n00bs on why it's B& for rules 7 and 8 on Heyuri. Enjoy these AIDS dark
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I think that's enough to get the point across closed-eyes2

it's best to nip /pol/ culture in the bud, lest it spread
even so, some of these pictures maek me lol (・∀・) feel free to call me a fag
I've always said this
recently I've gotten a 20+ days ban just because the mods ASSUMED I was a soyjak.party user
Don't act like one and the mods won't assume you're one, it's not difficult.
you realize bans dont matter on here right?

I haven't seen 1 and 2 or 5 at all, and I agree with the direction 3 goes and even think it's not enough at times.
But as for 4, I agree with you, I've seen that happen quite a lot dark.
What I don't like is that I feel the quality of posters and posts in general tends to go in waves. At a high point, resulting content is still of top notch quality, but the average and low points are both quite pathetic. Importantly, "aimless" qualify them quite well. Perhaps this is related to your comment about new people not understanding the site.
Disclaimer: I'm pretty new myself sweat
>Disclaimer: I'm pretty new myself
It's apparent sweat2

Heyuri isn't about striving for "quality", and never was - b0rked spelingz, retarded posts, stickman comics, and crude photoshops are the foundation of this website's culture!

Instead, the weeds that get pulled from teh garden of Heyuri are things that intentionally kill LOLs, poop on our parties, make the internet a miserable/grumpy/serious place, and are purely self serving. A post could be very "high quality" from a literary standpoint, yet still fall squarely under those categories

The removal of those "weeds" is what allows the flowers of Heyuri's LOLs, OC, and b0ners to bloom biggrin
Joke spelling and low-quality spelling is not the same. Moreover, quality is a derivative of other factors. It doesn't happen through its literal enforcement, but through peripheral enforcement of community standards. For example, rule 8. What a pathetic comment you made here angry
Or maybe that was the joke? Because it's of such low quality.
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I deleted my previous post because I feel it was needlessly antagonistic. sweat3 Lemme try again:

You should not lash out so angrily at him. All he's telling you is that Heyuri values fun and earnestness more than any other metric of quality, which as a statement is completely innocuous (and true).
Given that you are a self-admitted newb, and he is not a newb, you should be less quick to completely discard his words. Also, since you are new, it would be appropriate for you to lurk moar before you speak on what Heyuri is, what it has been, and what it should be.
And lastly, when it comes to Rule 8, you shouldn't invoke it in that way. Because obviously its purpose and current function is indeed to stamp out posts that "intentionally kill LOLs, poop on our parties, make the internet a miserable/grumpy/serious place, and are purely self serving", just like he said. You'll notice by looking at the rules, that they only outlaw things that disrupt the site's actual functioning as well as things that have made the rest of the internet lame and unfun. So by looking at the rules you are using to support your argument, we can see that the "community standards" you are talking about only really require users' posts to hop over the low, low bar of not fucking up the site and not being your common everyday 4chan/reddit/twitter/discord garbage (though being Heyuri-flavored garbage is acceptable). So the rules don't really support your argument that Heyuri is all about "quality". sweat2
With that said, let's take it easy ( ´ω`)
>the quality of posters and posts in general tends to go in waves. At a high point, resulting content is still of top notch quality, but the average and low points are both quite pathetic. Importantly, "aimless" qualify them quite well.
You need to let people post if you want them to learn how to post.

This is a little off-topic for the thread, but a related problem I've seen in some other imageboards for a long time: because people are so picky about posts and lash out at anyone who's not acting in the exactly correct way, people don't have the means to learn how to post. If you're immediately punished for not doing everything correctly, it's going to deter people from even trying, let alone honing their "imageboard social skills" and OC creation skills through practice.
no greentexting on heyuri, especially if your greentexting does nothing but grossly misrepresent someone who is trying to earnestly engage with you dark
if you can't even make quality posts while complaining that our posts are of inconsistent quality, then plz lurk moar
I am really uncreative when making posts on /b/
sometimes I just go there to make random posts
fag (・∀・)
i love teh rulez but mods are fags!!!!!!
angry angry angry
That's cuz ur a n00b biggrin

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