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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Was /Heyuri dating/ ever a serious thing?
It was really a thing, but I could nevar meet anyone there cry
LoL, teh idea itself is rather funny. I could imagine the men/women ratio be 100:1
It was real - /dating/ used a 2-shot chat script, which is basically a series of primitive web chatrooms with a limit of 2 participants per room

It started on Heyuri because kuz found a script on a site that also had a 2channel script, so he assumed the "2" in 2ショット meant it had something to do with 2channel

However, we quickly discovered that they were actually used in Japan for initiating dates and hookups, and thus /dating/ was born xd

I can work on bringing it back if u want - this is the kind of thing that teh new server is intended for!
I doubt I would take it serious in any case, but for teh LOLs I do not see any reason why not. But how come it was removed? Sadly I could see it be used for ill meaned catfishing... But for chatting... that i like! xp
Oh no, it wouldn't get removed for a reason like that, nor it would be a bad thing if we had guys acting like girls there...

It just got b0rked, and kuz thought it was a cgi script (which we weren't able to run for some reason) while it was a php scrip(?) xd
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I think it's time for dating 2.0!
Bring back the LUV!

I wanna chat with a cute girl!

H-how was your day?
Oh... g-ood! M-m-mine too!

Bring it back, doesn't even have to be dating, chatting with a random heyurizen anonymously sounds fun foruda
It sounds fun but I can imagine it being hell to moderate sweat
Big brother is watching! dark
>It sounds fun but I can imagine it being hell to moderate
kaguyaaaaaa, please don't make us moderate the ERP! crycrycry
please bring it back. maybe i have a chance on being with chen cosplay


Let me know if it b0rks
I should mention that you need to either occasionally click the manual update button or turn auto-update on, otherwise u won't see new messages coming in and will be sitting there feeling ronery sweat2
Awesome! That was surprisingly fast! It looks fun! I am currently waiting for the love of my life now. Who of you 10 people will it be?
Anyone dating today at 18:00 UTC?
I would like to try it out but I get kicked out after a awhile. Thus it means it's impossible finding someone. Unless we book a date! love
I was buzy at 18 UTC.
I can adjust teh timings if u think it's too short (I already doubled it from default!), but presumably the timeout is there to prevent individuals from hogging the limited number of rooms - not that we're having that issue at all yet sweat2
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Just talked to yui for over an hour would recommend.
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this should be added to this thing
Sure, blotter can be used for minor updates so new CGI scripts are worth putting in. I just forgot about it after front page newspost nyaoo-closedeyes
Don't 4get teh wiki sidebar smile

BTW, what do u guise think of the name "Heyuri CGI" and the general appearance of https://cgi.heyuri.net ? (if u were even aware of it)

The homepage itself was just a test thing I made months ago which wasn't necessarily intended to be used for realzies, and the name was something I came up with in 20 seconds as a placeholder xd
there are no real girls on heyuri sadly

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