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Kind of a Heyuri-centric version of the 'good and bad 4-chan boards' thread on lounge.

Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?

Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?

For the board I use the least, it's probably a tie between here and /vote/. I usually wait for the polls to add up so I can vote on a bunch of them, and I also don't usually have many concerns about the site.

As for the board I use most, I love /lounge/. Always an interesting discussion there about topics I'm interested in. Even if I'm not into whatever it is, I usually learn a lot thanx to Heyurizen's explanations.nagato
Not really much to discuss or debate about when we have only 6 or 7 boards foruda

Most: /b/ because it's the most active.
Least: /o/ because i can't draw.
I think there is something to talk about if only you make the effort to be more detailed.

You say you like /b/ because it's most active, but would you still like it if it was most active and also very shitty?
There must be a certain quality in particular that attracts you to it.
Maybe that quality is just the true randomness of that board. While 4/b/ is mostly bait or the same porn threads every day, with very few actually "random" threads.
And even then, well you know how most discussions go on 4chan nowadays.
>Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?
I browse all boards equally since I am an professional Heyuri enthusiast, but I mostly post to whichever ones that other users are mostly posting to

I mainly post replies since I spend most of my days working on various projects, which doesn't leave much time/energy to think of an original topic (plus I've been here for 3 years and ran out of fresh/obvious thread ideas a long time ago) sweat2

>Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?
The ones that other users post to the least, for the same reasons as above smile
Most: /b/ like the majority of other Heyuri users im pretty sure. i try to be as active on /sw/ as i can but i usually just reply to others on there rather than post. i also check /o/ very often just bc i love OC and want to feed my addiction as often as i can.

Least: i have yet to post on /jp/. please dont get me wrong, i love the fact that we have /jp/, i want to see its activity grow, and i was really excited for it when it was announced (would love to see more boards as well), but i just dont speak japanese. I never really had any interest in learning japanese so i never went out of my way to translate anything into japanese just to post it on /jp/, although i wouldnt be surprised if i do exactly that someday. i still lurk and check up on /jp/ like once a day. I may even check up on it more often than i do /lounge/. love /lounge/, tons of fun threads on there, but for some reason i only read it when its really late and im feeling cozy. Nights like those are when i wrap myself around in your guys' words about incest and dreams and melt into my mattress. i save /lounge/ for special occasions.
We don't really have enough boards for this thread to make sense, anon.
In fact, I think a lot of posters wouldn't be able to tell you which board they even use 'more' as it's still slow enough that using them all is very possible. I know I'm in that position.

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