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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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I will compile these replies into a video for prosperity. (^Д^)
It brought back aspects of the internet and myself that I thought were long dead, and has allowed them to flourish rather than get shot down smile
What >>63813 said. Reminds me of a time where the internet was fun and alive and where people did things because they felt like it, instead of dreary, unimaginative, almost robotic (automated?) where people only do things for money or sociopolitical clout.
I think Heyuri is one of the most fun and fun-loving websites on the internet! biggrin
I haet what R8 bans, users know how to have fun, I have common interests with a lot of users, it makes the internets great!

x3 <- I liek this emotes

(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ
Heyuri-tan loli pron!
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I really enjoy the community around this site. I'm not adept at explaining things, but I'll try my best to elaborate upon my feelings and articulate them well.

The main reason I like this site is because it celebrates the old web and the culture around mid-2000's imageboards, while also forming its own identity. Heyuri is not another "alt-chan that cashes out on nostalgia without bringing anything new to the table" dime-a-dozen sites that all-too-often pops up, and that, at least to me, is astonishing.

I haven't a clue as to how this site did it, whether it be the rules, the administration, or a combination of the two (or possibly more), but Heyuri manages to maintain a large userbase whilst also maintaining its quality. With these 4chan alternative sites (I'll go back on that description later), the sites are usually inactive; even if they get a large, or at least large for an altchan, the quality control is often poor.

Back to me referring to Heyuri as an altchan, I'd go as far as to say that the site has ascended beyond that level for reasons I've already listed. But perhaps my feelings are wrong; I certainly wouldn't know until someone points that out to me.happy

Also, I really like Rule #8.
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I'm an ex-/jp/sie and I think Heyuri is probably the only place left where people can still take it easy.
i got board of browsing 4chan, it became repetitive seeing the exact same threads over and over again, and my go-to altchans where either offline or became stale. i've seen a bunch of threads on alternative imageboards being shilled on /b/, a dozen at least, i lurked and posted on these imageboards, but a lot where cut from the same cloth, they had the same issues, became dead, or where quickly abandoned. out of all the imageboards i tried out the only one that resonated with me was heyuri. it was charming seeing a imageboard not trying to be the new 4chan, and even though heyuri takes a lot from le old internet, it still has its own unique culture, which is cool.
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its the only place where i can talk about my hobbies without someone trying to have me arrested
(i illegally download copyrighted material AND i dont independently support the artists either MWAHAHAHA!)
It's one of the very few places online where I actually relate to the userbase, and the cute emotes are nice too biggrin
Heyuri is my sanctuary, where there is no negative feeling coming through. It is as if no matter what I say on here, everyone knows it is tongue in cheek and that is what makes it such a great experience.

You are my e-Tomodachis! biggrin
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Heyuri is one of the most friendly and welcoming imageboards I've found. Everyone has this positive, laid back aura to them that leaves the whole place feeling like a hole in the wall you can return to on a slow day or during workbreak. Part of the reason I stopped using 4chan is that the most popular boards, and especially boards like /g/ where I wanted to actually learn something, had this constant bitching and moaning from a group of people who didn't even seem to enjoy the website they were shitposting on. So finding an anarchic board of weebs and autists where people seem to enjoy their small community is refreshing. Heyuri is probably my favorite out of the 3 IBs I go between because of that. You guys rule, looking forward to the video!
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i did it! make sure to download it for teh futures ヽ(´∇`)ノ
the song is "see you tomorrow" from the Yotsuba Kuricorder Pops Orchestra (2005)
saved! lovelovelove
Nice, post on Off-Topic too! x3
That's really nice, good job! biggrin
how dare you not add my response to the video!!! >:(
still a WIN or whatever i guess... glare1
Didn't mine either ;_; I guess it was all for nothing!!!!
Awesome! dance2
I tried to search for a solo upload of this song but I either get the full album or a similarly titled track from "Omori"
Can you spare a link? sweat2
Of course! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
although OP already delivered the goods, I'd be interested to see more replies on this thread. Personally I like how tech-savvy many of the users are here, I've learned a lot. I've also encountered a lot of cool, useful websites/tools/browser extensions. My friends all think I'm some kind of l33t haxxor cool
Because we're here to have fun with each other instead of having fun at each other's expense
LOL, this guy likes fun things! smug
me too, le's be friends!
I don't
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I like Heyuri because people on it actually have fun and are genuine and aren't terminally insecure post-ironic turbofaggots or perpetually butthurt moral crusaders.

It's honestly one of the last good websites on the internet.
I like Heyuri because it's simply just a fun website. It's part of my daily fun browsing (which includes Something Awful and some other forums). On other sites, nobody seems to enjoy themselves and are always seem uptight. Even though I'm not much of an imageboard user/otaku (GAHSP), I've really come to enjoy the community. Love y'all! dance
Mostly the nostalgia from a lost age where people still believed in fun and didnt (ironically) hate/hide behind a mask when posting on imageboards. And of course rule 8 is the second bible deliverd by God himself ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
Goons? On MY Heyuri?
It's more likely than you think!

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