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out of curiosity, how often are there samefags on heyuri?
In the traditional sense of the term, virtually never - at least as far as the mod tools allow me to see

I've only ever caught one person doing it, but they don't seem to post here anymore unsure
Heyurians are too virtuous and trustworthy to do something as pathetic and cowardly as that. We have the hearts of lions angrynyaoocool
what exacctly do modtools let you do?
gives mods access to user's bank accounts
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grants mods access to the Heyuri Secret Porn Hard Drive hidden beneath the depths of Heyuri HQ's basement. no dares enter the basement without the proper clearance.
>what exacctly do modtools let you do?
For kokonotsuba, I can: delete posts, delete files of posts, warn/ban an IP for x days either just for a single board or globally for all imageboards (this can also be used to append a post with custom text/HTML, which can be done without actually banning the IP), set threads to autosage/locked/sticky, and regenerate the board index

On the "Manage Posts" screen, I can see all the posts made to a board listed in reverse chronological order, plus the IPs of the users that posted them

On the "Manage Bans" screen, I can see the full ban history of the board and the global bans: this includes the banned IPs themselves, the date they were banned (written in YYYY/DD/MM format... WTF o_0), the ban expiration date, and the message given to the banned user (which is usually just stating which rule was broken)

The other board types are generally limited to just viewing IPs and deleting posts/files - the whole "temporary ban" and "moderation team" concepts are totally foreign to Japan, which is where Heyuri's non-kokonotsuba and non-wiki software originates from
I haven't seen any recently (last few months at least) either, though I don't check ur IPs so often so can't tell for sure. There at least weren't any ill-intended ones trying to push a certain idea.

>The other board types are generally limited to just viewing IPs and deleting posts/files
As you said "moderation team" is inexistent in Japanese sites (maybe save for biggest sites?) so only one "manager" is supposed to have moderator access to everything. I just gave Heyuri's staff web login, but in the config files of both boards there are some features to allow admins to ban IPs and filter strings - which I only use to filter the worst spam bots, but Japanese sites' admins probably use it to filter out rule breaking users too.

There is no temporary ban options, it seems but admins may leave their mails for appeals instead. Try to visit open2ch for example
>もしかしたら間違えてアクセスブロックされている場合もあります。 (sometimes there are situations where you are access blocked by mistake)
>そのときは、メールでブロック解除の依頼をしてください。 (in that case, please mail to request for removal of your block)
>もうアタックとかしないから、もう一回使いたい!って方もお気軽にメールしてください。 (Feel comfortable to send mails like "I won't attack anymore, so please let me use again" too)
I've seen a warning like this elsewhere too, though not very sure if a common practice...

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