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God these neverending /r9k/ and /pol/-lite posts lately suck dark

Pls STFU 4evar about your crappy life, depression, mental illnesses, virginity, being NEET, how much you dislike women/normalfags/etc., "degeneracy", "the downfall of the West", etc., and take it to one of the many imageboards that specializes in that kind of thing

Heyuri is a fun website for anime, OC, LOLs, and faps - it is not ur internet agony aunt, therapist, nor political rally sweat3
I'm also tired of threads about mental illness and suicide and being a loser and stuff. Nobody cares!! cool
I'm gonna start brainstorming for a fun thread and then post it tomorrow
>I'm gonna start brainstorming for a fun thread and then post it tomorrow
You're only allowed to bitch about a problem IF you're part of the solution
So good...dark
But I can't do it alone! You help too! iyahoo
I'll help to! Shall I make a thread about my masturbation habits?
here's one idea I was thinking up: we start a thread in which we post the pictures we've cum to, the more innocuous or strange, the better. we compete to see who has the most eccentric tastes, and the winner gets a medal made in MSpaint. I think that would be fun smile
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That would be fun! And I have a feeling I'd win, or atleast cum in 2nd.
I've masturbated to a hot female wojak, but I wouldn't be able to post that due to rule 8.
I've masturbated to ur mom, but I wouldn't be able to post her due to Rule 4 biggrin
oh, you
theres not an overflow of them so its not taking away any traffic from the kind of posts you prefer. these blogpost type posts also tend to get more interaction and actual conversation, not a bad thing. gotta be pretty retarded to only want to talk about jacking off with a bunch of guys online all day.
There most definitely has been an overflow of them, especially since they were practically non-existent here up until a few months ago. They defeat the entire purpose of the site, making this place a lot less fun, and a lot more gloomy like all the other "let's whine about how much everything sux 24/7" imageboards out there dark

>gotta be pretty retarded
Heyuri is a pretty retarded place, that's why I liek it biggrin
We should take back what ours with operation moe moe kyun!
>There most definitely has been an overflow of them
just look at the catalog, definitely not would id call an overflow
>since they were practically non-existent here up until a few months ago
wouldnt say "practically non-existent" theres probably a slight bit more now but nothing culture shifting.
theres one guy that follows his routine template blogpost format thingy, i personally like it and find it entertaining but if you dont thats cool too. i think you probably just have a problem with him and his posts and are blowing it out of proportion lol.

>let's whine about how much everything sux
youre making something out of nothing just for the sake of complaining and whining about how things sux
>i think you probably just have a problem with him and his posts and are blowing it out of proportion lol.
Those aren't the posts I'm talking about - it's all the things outlined in the OP, which have recently become regular and persistent topics of discussion on nearly all boards, and what a lot of threads are devolving into lately. If u can't see it, plz lurk moar or go to opticians!!

>youre making something out of nothing just for the sake of complaining and whining about how things sux

Talking about Heyuri's health and status is the primary purpose of /q/ - talking about Western society's health and status, or posting constant /r9k/-like topics and surveys, isn't the purpose of Heyuri at all
I think posts like what you are describing are just indicative of the still lingering influence of 4chan and normie websites. People are not sure how to go about internet posting without bringing up these topics, because they've been drilled into their heads for years at this point. A culture doesn't change overnight.

For example, the early Christians still had many Hebrew and Roman influences before their own culture developed and spread. Early Christian art is just late Roman art applied to Christian themes.

The same is true here. I think if we just focus on making Heyuri the best site it can be; by rewarding stuff we like and ignoring stuff we don't, the unpleasant aspects will fade away in their own time.
I'm happy this discussion is taking place, as I think its healty for the community to figure out what we want from Heyuri. I personally would love for it to strive more towards an otaku-related direction, of course with /b/ will stay as random. The main focus would be anime, fun & OC. Just as mod-sama is pointing at.

If r9k should exist here, it could be contained rather than limited in some form, as "sad feels stay in sad thread." That or its removed(?).

However, the hard thing about online community as b, is too control it. And Heyuri itself, as i view it, has a relaxed and laid back atmosphere surrounding it. To much control will cause more annoyance among users? In the end, a communitiy is it's userbase.

Another suggestion is just to post more things we love to overthrow what we diklike? aka. operation moe moe kyun!

I think just from todays evening we seen a lot of great anime talks... sorry for tripfagging to much tho. sweat3
I think our target audience should be the otaku, and thread topics should be about whatever you would see on anime, let it be muziks or ecchi stuff or spaghetti eating contests!

>sorry for tripfagging to much tho
noone should evar worry about using a tripcode on Heyuri biggrin
hell yeah! that spaghetti eating contests sounds awesome af! I join, i already got some in my frige.

I would love to see more tripfagging as it would make us more unquie as a community, but for now there are very few of us. And if I am the only active faggot, i will stand out to much as i guess I already do. But thanks. nyaoo-closedeyes
I don't see a problem with blogposts and the like, especially because most of them don't break any rules
I'm NEET and have depression. I'm also a mentally ill normalfag virgin.
B-but OP faggot-sama, aren't you also ranting about hating people you dislike? Gh-ghuh~ sweat
>aren't you also ranting about hating people you dislike?
No! It was a rant about a certain strain of now-seemingly-absent Heyuri posts, and the rant was posted to the Heyuri board for discussing Heyuri. This is a proper use of Site Discussion@Heyuri nyaoo-closedeyes

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