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weird page on the wiki, with the last paragraph being added yesterday: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Zake
any publicity is "good" publicity. but the writer seems pretty stupid if you ask me.
Some pointless rambling mixed with vague ranting about kuz and kolyma. Has barely anything to do with Heyuri (with only one mention of it, too). Don't see much of a point of leaving it up, so I went and removed it. ┐(゚~゚)┌

I don't understand the purpose of the page itself, as I don't know Russian, so it remains up. Anyone else is welcome to explain what it's about.
>I don't understand the purpose of the page itself, as I don't know Russian, so it remains up.
I am pretty sure it's just a random guy talking about himself. Here is a (rough) google translation of the second section, called "general conspiracy"

>for some reason, everything that lives on the expanses of the world wide web is somehow set against me. wherever I am, bans, kicks, mutes are flying in my direction from everywhere; my traces are being removed... (......) but the most terrible weapon used is a deaf ignore, which there is simply nothing to oppose. What did I do to deserve such an attitude towards myself - it is not clear. everyone is probably jealous of me
i think it's funny you guys should keep it

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