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(Which I hope it is, because I hate that word, it reminds me of the r*dditfrog-posting niggerfaggots)
To an extent, but mostly in the "top kek/praise kek/kekistani" sense, and the more recent "KEKW"

If it's simply used in place of "lol", that's an old WoW reference - "lol" written by Horde players reads as "kek" to Alliance players, and people have been using it in that way since the game was released

...for what it's worth, calling things "Reddit" when they aren't from Reddit is also a little on the Rule 8 side of things sweat2
What the fuck is KEKW?
>What the fuck is KEKW?
The apparent name of a Twitch emote, which is actually a reaction image from that old webm of that spanish guy laughing. I've seen streamkiddies posting "KEKW" in various places, similar to what they did with "pog/pogchamp/poggers" dark

It goes without saying, but Twitch "culture" is definitely Rule 8

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