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File: 1e07f5add13370572c1ddf858cd165ace36f43fc.png
(1747 KB, 2380x1704) ImgOps
1747 KB
why can I post from Tor, but I can't post from my VPN? unsure

image unrelated
Mine works fine, ur VPN server must have gotten B& somewhere along the line unsure
but what's the point of b&s at all if you can always just use Tor? sweat2

I can post whatever I want here, and noone can stop me!!! biggrin

I just have to inconvenience myself a tiny bit to do it...
>but what's the point of b&s at all if you can always just use Tor?
You have discovered the secret of imageboards: b&hammer is purely for pwning n00bs, hindering bots, and producing LOLs biggrin
What is your IP on the VPN? If it's on SpamDB I can probably open it
If there is any reason you don't want to post it here, you can e-mail it or just PM it to me on /b/.

>but what's the point of b&s at all
I think most of our srs bans are reminding users about the rules

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