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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Its a bit strange that prominent whiners on heyuri complained about "kolymization" (when formerly independant sites and services were packaged as one "kolyma" site instead of letting them be on their own. Funnily enough, no one complains when heyuri (under k*Tay d*MMir) does the same thing. A la mattari aa, strange world, nihongoch...
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Complete Heyuri Internet Domination!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

I am personally fine with it as I believe Heyuri has the best users, see Strange World before it was Heyurized for example: https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?c=08&m=g&f=202103.dat

It was mostly terrible, only good qualities were coming from it being advertised on Heyuri rolleyes

As for Mattari AA, it was one by a Heyuri user (and presumably for primarily Heyuri, although some Japanese people noticed it too) but its license tells
>Feel free to host a copy of Mattari AA online, modify it, or sell it to your least favorite aunt for $$$ if you want - Mattari AA is FREE software for THE WORLD ヽ(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)ノ
on https://mattari.heyuri.net/readme.txt - so kuz can host a copy of it on his sites if he wishes to.

And as for NC... I believe it wasn't worth keeping online as multiple boards on a separate domain. I won't use the "it was a part of Heyuri before its own" argument since not many current Heyuri users used /jp/ when it was a thing, but there are many of us who can write in Japanese/learning to do so, so I believe its merge would be for the best way for the idea that inspired it (which was having a place for non-Japanese practice Japanese, maybe also with some Japanese people posting, in an informal setting).

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