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I think it would be useful to make a banned image archive. Half of this could be done by just banning every image that is on the soybooru.

>But they will just alter the images slightly and keep going!
I think you overestimate the commitment of a spammer. Even if spammers were to start doing this, it would give mods a bit of extra time to get wind of the attack and start removing posts
Furthermore, it would be nice to train an AI algorithm to detect R8 automatically. But these all require development werk, sadly I am no programmer sweat2
If we were to start pushing people to make software like this on 4chan/g/, they might just make it for uslolico
I once read about someone training an AI to detect w*jaks, it should be relatively easy to just "train" an algorithm anyways... Harder part is integrating it to kokonotsuba

And sadly whenever Heyuri gets brought up there, it gets bad attention and scares off the few good posters left there kuz
>Harder part is integrating it to kokonotsuba
I have some programming skills but I haven't used them in awhile.

The main challenge would be possibly the amount of time that it takes for the AI to detect something. The best way to get around that would probably by letting the user post their image, then after the image is posted then it would go through to detector and deleted if it returns positive

>And sadly whenever Heyuri gets brought up there, it gets bad attention and scares off the few good posters left there
We wouldn't have to openly say we are from Heyuri, it can be something as simple as "/g/ can't code anymore, you moron can barely even declare a variable in C let alone write something like a w*jak detector"
Right now, we don't have too much problems with spams, anti R8 content and the like. They always end up being deleted by the mods. Sometimes we get raids... But who cares honestly, they never last too long.
If we put too much effort into moderation by using a banned image archive or algorithms, other netizens will make fun of us. I think we should take it easy and let the mods do their work!! Honestly, where is the fun into maintaining an archive of pictures that we specifically dislike?

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