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Heyuri has been incredibly slow today and its because it takes a shit ton of time to load content from unpkg.com. What's the deal?
Why is it using unpkg
For what
I think its a Content Delivery Manager or something like that
It's for ruffle, but I don't notice any difference in loading times unsure
Most of the time it's fine, but I have definitely experienced times where the entire page was prevented from loading for ages because of this exact reason dark

Maybe this is how kaguya-san's internet connection normally performs, so he can't notice the difference xd
That's hidoi mod-san, I am trying to emulate 2004's internet including the loading speeds here cry

If the problem is actually severe perhaps I could look into hosting our own ruffle instance, but other than not thinking it would be necessary, I couldn't do it at first because:
- We wouldn't have ruffle's daily updates
- When something eventually b0rks I would be the one trying figure out what has gone wrong dark
- Most importantly, I don't have shell access on servers required for the setup to begin with, at least in our current situation

Another possible solution is leeching off from another site's ruffle instance. Obviously this could have some security issues, so we would have to use a trustworthy website or CDN's instance. Feel free to suggest candidates for this one
>unpkg is an open source project built and maintained by Michael Jackson.

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