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Spotted in /wsr/. Thoughts?
Funny how Angeleno, current world2ch owner, frequents Heyuri biggrin And that this was probably made by boatchan's owner, considering that it's way more newer and dead than any other altchans on this list
[Unsure if this fits /b/ or /q/ more to be honest, if it fits /b/ more then move it there, i assume mods can do that]
Whoever created this image seems to have tasted our B&hammer sweat2

Which makes sense, because I think we are the only soyjak-free BBS listed mentioned in the list rolleyes
>this site has weekly events
lmfao yea 99% sure someone from boatchan made this
who else would know something like that offhand about that place?
reads like a fkn ad (which ive seen many of from them)
Angeleno-san's relation to Heyuri aside, 70% of world2ch's posts (of which there are not many) were made by jr-san - a Heyuri regular who I'm pretty sure is black xd
All Heyurians are black nigra
Who's the nigger supposed to be, in this case? kaguya, since he's a Turk? Or is this just another case of not being able to outrun kuz's shadow? dark
The creator listed kuz's s*yjak site, so presumably they're not talking about kuz unsure
The only site on there that I've never heard of is MathChan, is it new or something? Also I REALLY recommend not going on frenschan. It looks like just a shittier 4chan/pol/ and is full of totally non suspicious calls to violence in the name of political traditionalism. Also everytime I've seen it advertised it looks very fake and the ads look like they've been put together by a summer intern at the FBI. What happened to 420chan? I just thought about it for the first time after looking at this thread and noticed it was down
Mathchan is relatively new, its owner is also a Heyuri user. I heard his site is still a WIP though

>What happened to 420chan?
It has been dead for some time now
Kirtaner got pwned last year for his recent hax0r escapades, and the party van took his servers with them:

They even took his Guy Fawkes mask xd
why is mathchan full of wojacks??? I literally cannot escape them crycry
There's a reason why Rule 8 exists dark
Mathchan is probably dead gonna not get any traction. It has all the characteristics of an unsucessful board

-using vichan
-super specific topic
-tons of boards
-no advertising
-same culture as every other non specialized board

MathMoot: you would have better luck posting a thread on Lainchan or 4chan/sci/ and make a telegram group or something like that
mooth biggrin
I still don't get why people would recommend the soy website as 4chan alternative. It's literally just a forum meant for the qa community to discuss raiding. Why would they want a bunch of random new people interrupting them?
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It could've been made by frenchan shill, too. They are desperate for users lol
the soy site is one of the largest imageboards and is generally just good to shitpost on if your fine with a lower barrier of quality than 4chan
I just wish that their autism stayed on their imageboard and didn't leak out to other places in the form of raids
I used to know one person who is an avid user nowadays, and he was an annoying faggot who kept pushing his clearly incorrect opinion despite being proven wrong by multiple people (this was on discord in a serious conversation, maybe 1.5 years ago)

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