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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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credits to the guys over at 619chan for this, check em out.
but i propose that we nab this idea and implement it here.
idk. seems like it'd be fun.
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this .jpg file was the only thing worth seeing there

>i propose that we nab this idea and implement it here.
Do you think users will bother checking such a board often to see what is the current topic? No, we will just look at /b/ and post in if there is any thread with an interesting topic
i dont think its a board that would require much vigilance
just depends on how quickly the topics cycle through.
could be everyday, every other day, every week.
im not complaining about /b/'s activity but i think sometimes people run out of things to post which results in slower traffic, maybe a dedicated topic on a separate board could supplement that.
Hispachan used to have a board like that. I wasn't an hispachan user (i only checked it once every so often), but it always seemed to me like a good idea. That said, we have to talk about what we always talk about when board discussion comes up: we don't have enough users unsure
Thanks for the mention on here lol, just found it while googling the site.

It's totally understandable, I tried to make a post a while back on my /b/ urging them to use the other boards.

For me, I'm just letting the topic sit for as long as possible before changing the board topic.
It's human nature for us to gravitate towards a central location where the rest of our "tribe" is gathered - Heyuri has learned the hard way that it's better to have fewer boards with moar activity than moar boards with less activity sweat2

Rather than making additional boards that are functionally identical to each other besides the topic and telling users to use them, it's usually best to only make additional boards when it would be detrimental to the existing board(s) not to - at least if maximizing user activity is the goal

That said, I can respect wanting to have 3 trap boards *salutes with pen0r* blush

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