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Every time I bring up this site anywhere, pic rel gets mentioned and the discussion is instantly derailed. Really annoying how someone who hasn't been the admin for almost a year is still the #1 thing people think of when they hear the name "Heyuri". What did he do that made /jp/ hate him so much
I'm pretty new, so I don't really know. It might be a good thing though, it filters out people who care more about imageboard drama than culture ┐(゚~゚)┌
>made /jp/ hate him so much
/jp/ you actually mean pissu teens, right?
>What did he do that made /jp/ hate him so much
He's not really popular here either

Go away newfag
You must've missed the drama from january
how is he related to 4jaypee
Talk about kuz always stops before anyone can make it past allusions. Just what did he do, exactly? Can I read about it on the Wiki? unsure
Hi kuz
>Talk about kuz always stops before anyone can make it past allusions.
It stops because posts criticizing kuz are usually swiftly deleted. It makes sense, he's still paying for Heyuri's hosting. It's usually not a good idea to badmouth such people. It doesn't mean his critics are wrong.
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The "short" version is that he's a controversial person who has a long history of doing (and being accused of doing) controversial things on the internet

This includes (but is not limited to):
- various attempts at pushing/forcing Heyuri in directions that many users (and staff) didn't liek
- buying up websites in ways that caused general suspicion towards his motives (and left at least one previous owner very butthurt and possibly legally insane)
- buying the s*yjak website, who have crapped up a lot of other websites (including Heyuri)
- lots of trolling and posting/writing about himself in 3rd person (he's in ur kuz threads, posting about kuz!)
- picking fights with the administrators of numerious other websites and their communities (or at least failing at defusing the situations to the point where they wanted to stick him in a cannon and fire him into space)
- a lot of general self-promotional/self-aggrandising behavior that grates on the kinds of people who generally use imageboards
- banning ur mom

He's also the sole benefactor paying for and maintaining Heyuri's servers, so regardless of personal opinion, we have to somewhat put up with his occasional shenanigans and -9999999 reputation for now. Until the situation changes, there will likely be kuz-related drama and trolling whenever Heyuri is brought up outside Heyuri, and the same whenever kuz is brought up on Heyuri itself
Shut up dude
Kuz supremacy cool
cool coolcoolcool cool
>> 28 KB
Obvious outsider is obvious
so basically he just pissed off a few small groups of the most annoying people on the internet and they need an idol to hate-fap to
This side of the interwebs (imageboards) is relatively small, and pissing off a handful of people in a handful of places with a recognizable/notorious identity is enough to have the aggrevator's name dragged through the mud for years on end without ever having to speak another word or lift another finger

...kuz speaks a lot of words and lifts a lot of fingers, and basically did a world tour back in 2021 where he procedurally pissed off multiple different sites and their admins one by one by promoting himself and his services sweat2
Did he though? Kuz has a very distinctive writing style and I have seen dozens of random people who sound nothing like him get called kuz because they are advertising. I can't really think of a time I have ever seen kuz advertise anything, especially not on 4chan
I currently like him because he's hosting Heyuri for free and he released Kokonotsuba as open source
I thought threads about kuz were forbidden, even on /q/. What changed?
19 replies later and no one can say exactly what kuz did (Note: KUZ did)
He bumped this thread without reading it wink
I just read everything and did not see any proof of any of kuzs wrongdoings Mr. Smartass.
Have you read >>62974 yet?
"Saying exactly what kuz did" and "proof of any of kuzs wrongdoings" are 2 different things smile

Firstly, we're talking about people and events related to anonymous imageboards - imageboards delete old threads as new ones are made, and they generally have moderators who delete posts that cause community issues or are believed to be made by individuals or groups they don't want on their site (whether it's anti-kuz folk deleting kuz posts, pro-kuz folk deleting anti-kuz posts, or kuz-neutral folk deleting everything related to kuz because they're sick of hearing about it). So anything that may have caused BIG DORAMA and TEH RAEG is more than likely lost to the ether, or buried so deep in the archives that nobody can be bothered to retrieve it or read through it all

Secondly, this thread is about what kuz did to make certain folk hate kuz, not proving that he did anything "wrong". Nobody here (nor on any other website) is a moral arbitor, nor have they been appointed King of Ethics - everyone has different opinions of what's right and wrong from their points of view, and nobody will ever 100% agree. At best, people can mention or point to various things that kuz has done or been involved with that were known to have caused negative reactions, and then it's up to the readers of the thread to decide whether it changes their opinion or not, or if they even believe any of it at all
The main things that aren't drama related are just privacy concerns, I guess, but if you're using individually-hosted websites you should take certain precautions anyway. ph34r

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