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This might sound like a weird idea, but what about a "let's play" board?
similar to the one something awful had, where users would make a thread documenting their playthrough of a game. It's not something that can simply be posted on /b/
I know there's a lot of moon rune readers on this site. It'd be specially cool to document playthroughs of japanese games.
It's not really worth dedicating an entire board to the topic IMHO (especially considering that we've already failed to get a general video games board off the ground multiple times sweat2), but lounge is usually the best place for longer format threads - take the WinXP/2k era PC games thread for example: https://dis.heyuri.net/lounge/koko.php?res=1514

You could also adapt the concept to fit one of the other boards better - compiling/condensing your playthough into a single or small series of epic /b/ threads, depicting it through drawings/comics on /o/, etc.
a lets play board sounds really cool but i dont think it would be much of a success right now
though i have been thinking that we are probably ready to sustain a new board now.
the topic would have to be something not too niche to where no one even posts on it
but also not too much of an umbrella topic like /jp/ where it would split the activity between it and /b/.
i'd tune into it if the OPs were engaging in his comments

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