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would it be a good idea to just have an auto filter that would change nu buzzwords into something else?
change the word into some inside joke that would embarrass the poster for not following the rules.
seems like it could be an opportunity to bring about more lulz instead of just deleting the post.
Seconded. I think I've seen something similar on some old forum
wordfilters are easy to implement, but i'd prefer if such buzzwords weren't used in the first place. Using them is a sign someone needs B& to forcibly lurk moar
Wordfilters are pretty oldsk00l, and also what we used to do in the past

It can be a little annoying if it's a string of letters that's commonly found in other words though, so some filters might require more advanced regex

>I think I've seen something similar on some old forum
Yeah... 4chan xd
I remember when they filtered "soy" on 4chan. it was pretty funny to see how it fucked with the spanish-speakers
yea sounds kool
I'm pretty sure it was a 4chan thing (which also started a really popular meme...)
a look ahead & look behindthat checks if the character before & after the censored word is whitespace/nothing would fix that up
we should replace:
wojak: rageface
seethe: boil
mald: rage
cope: struggle
dilate: expand
based: WIN
cringe: FAIL (i dont know if cringe should be woldfiltered though, just rewording examples of nu-speak from the rules)
Honestly I don't really think this is a very good idea. For the majority of these words, they can be used in a normal way. For instance, a sentence like "The story based on X caused me to cringe so I watched Y to cope with it", which I think is a fine sentence since in this case none of the words are really being used as a buzzword would become "The story WIN on X caused me to FAIL so I watched Y to struggle with it" which doesn't make any sense. The context the word is used in matters so replacing them all the time no matter the context is stupid, the only 2 words which would work that you mentioned is wojak and mald since I don't believe they have any actual meaning beyond being a buzzword.
The story WIN on X caused me to FAIL so I watched Y to struggle with it
Wordfilters are best when they turn something lame/tired into something comical

Like turning "quotelink" into "buttsecks" or something
Would you lot consider Soul/Sovl to be a buzzword? Me personally I wouldn't consider it that much mainly because it just came from the "Return to tradition" stuff. Example, "Lucky Star is soulful."
Depends how it's posted - it's not Rule 8 to say something "has soul", "is soulful", or "is soulless" (as a lover of soulful music I've been describing things this way since before 4chan even existed), but it would break Rule 8 if you did it in the exact same format and phrasing that 4chan and other places have been doing for the past few years

The point of Rule 8 is to prevent Heyuri from consisting of the same old posts, phrases, memes, insults, etc. that every imageboard for the past 10-15 years has consisted of (and currently consists of), which we've generally agreed is lame, boring, and hinders creativity. It's less about scrubbing words from the dictionary, and more about cultivating creativity smile

>Return to tradition
The "reject modernity, embrace tradition", "return to monke", etc. phrases and associated memes breaks Rule 8 pretty hard, but the concept of ditching modern crap and going back to teh oldsk00l does not

>Lucky Star is soulful
Personally I think that's an odd way to phrase it - "Lucky Star has a lot of soul" makes more sense, but even then it's a strange thing to say unless you're aware of how 4chan has used soul/soulless in recent years to describe older media vs newer media
I think another positive of this change would be that instead of deleting whole posts that may have some good content but a buzzword or two, they will just replace the buzzword with something more appropriate or funnier and keep the post with value undeleted
If a post had a buzzword to begin with, I doubt any value would be lost
Besides, how can newfags learn about our culture, if they aren't admonished for newfag behaviour? Bearly anyone reads the rules anyway
a lot of longposts or have one or two potential buzzwords in them if you are strict enough. especially ones that are talking about events or things like that that are happening currently

I'm sure even without their reply getting deleted they would realize the reason their word was replaced in the post
There's still the problem of words like "based", "cringe" and "seething", since they are normal part of vocabulary when used in their correct context, but filter would treat them always as rule 8 breaking words. "This anime was WIN on the Light Novel", "I am boiling through my teeth" (if we take examples from >>62886). And although the boiling example is humorous, it would get old pretty fast

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