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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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How much involvement does Kolyma Network still have with Heyuri? I can't help but doubt that a shady organization would give up complete control over their second most used website without some sort of concessions or something like that
I believe kuz still hosted it but actually I think kaguya said he got his own new hosting a while ago. Some of the boards still have Kolyma branding but no direct involvement from Kolyma
> their second most used website without some sort of concessions or something like that

Not even close. Vidlii, gurochan, the soyjak site, etc are all way bigger.
Last thing i remember is that GC was going through a tough situation, for one reason or another
afaik kuz hosts the site for the most part
he did set some rules where you cant really have slander against him, so it was either remove kuz slander or no heyuri

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