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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Porn dump threads are annoying and bring nothing of value to the website
I don't see anything wrong with them. It's not like the catalog is full of porn
dark It's not like we're on 4chan's /b/ where its all 3dpd garbage, jacking off is good for you, I'd only complain if they started becoming the most popular kind of threadsglare2
Pr0n dumps are awesoem and Heyuri has always had them - especially Japanese 2D, gravure, and AV. Pls post moar of teh hawtness, my b0ner demands it nyaoo-closedeyes
(but don't overdo it to the point of flooding the board, obviously)

We even used to have a few dedicated pr0n-dumping boards (in addition to what was already on /b/), but they were merged with /b/ along with everything else when /all/ (the Overboard) disappeared, overall site activity was significantly down, and it was agreed that those boards were kinda redundant anyway (especially since every Heyuri imageboard that was not /b/ typically ended up as /b/ + a very loose sense of a theme)

PS: loli3.net and guro.cx were made by kuz shortly after kuz removed Heyuri's own /l/ and /g/ without asking us. I believe kaguya owns them now, but still - nigger stole our boards!!! angry
anon.. gurochan existed for decades before heyuri. gurochan was its own thing, not a breakaway heyuri board...
I'm well aware - /l/ and not4chan predate Heyuri by many years also. But the timing of kuz buying gurochan and launching https://g3.kolyma.org/ (now defunct) came very shortly after he removed Heyuri's own /g/ and /l/, and he teased the reveal here like it was going to be a Heyuri thing... and then it wasn't. We r teh betrayed, nevar forgone cry

(I don't actually care and I was pro-consolidating excess boards to /b/ anyway biggrin)

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