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Hi Heyuri!
After 274 days since the last one, I decided to hold another townhall next week, details below

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today
As usual, we will be discussing meta topic stuff. You can prepare your own topics to bring up during the townhall if you want to as well

Date: 28 January Saturday, 19:00 (7PM) UTC
Location: Probably at https://gikopoipoi.net/
There will be another thread on /b/ as the date approaches, the location will be certain by then too.

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        Λ_Λ (゚Д゚) < Don't miss it!
        ( ´∀`)( ,,ノ   \________________
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sweet happy
that means i get to chat with kaguya-senpai? blush
(´人`) I still don't understand the appeal of gikopoi, what is the point? last time I tried it I just walked around for a while until finding a room with a bunch of people, they were all talking about different shit and I didn't know what to do so I just closed the game ヽ(´ー`)ノ
its like a chat room, but it also has video streaming and cool lil characters
kaguya san is gonna debate whether to ban me again sweat
The impr0tant part is simply the chat. IRC could be used as well, but gikopoi is more fun smile
Turns out we can't hold it on https://gikopoipoi.net/ or http://play.gikopoi.com/ , because they block VPNs and TOR.
Thanks to Archduke for looking into the issue on play.gikopoi.com for us, but there seems to be an issue that doesn't let turning off only VPN blocking, so it's either blocking VPNs/TOR together or no protection at all

I am unable to host it on Heyuri's servers, but if there are any Heyurizen willing to host https://github.com/iccanobif/gikopoi2/ with VPN/TOR protection turned off themselves, we will hold the townhall there.

If that doesn't work out, we will use the IRC in the worst case as we used to.
If it's on IRC, which server/room will it be in?
I could probably turn off my Heyuri software on my test server and host it. No guarantee for now though because I use cPanel and I'm not sure how to set up Gikopoi yet
I'll see how Gikopoi runs on my hosting machine
Will there be a guide on how to use IRC? Haven't used one in a (long) while and basically forgot most of that shit.
Logging into the Japanese cat chat game through 9 proxies, a vpn, and tor relay!!!
also play.gikopoi is the fakepoi server
The room is at #heyuri @ KNIRC but I am willing to use #heyuri @ Rizon (our old IRC channel) if it Kolyma's IRC scares off users.

As for the guide 2 IRC, don't worry about it for now, I will guide you through steps if that becomes necessary. It's very simple with web clients happy
Are you implying 2023 #rizon wouldn't scare off users?
>As for the guide 2 IRC, don't worry about it for now, I will guide you through steps if that becomes necessary
Not really, everyone's going to be dropping their PC and hostname in chat by accident because they haven't configured irssi
>Not really, everyone's going to be dropping their PC and hostname in chat by accident because they haven't configured irssi
I won't suggest using irssi obviously, it sux anyways xp
Unless there is a way to get some notification script work with it, it wasn't working when I tried some time ago.

Anyways, web clients usually give you a fixed realname/hostname by default, so that won't be an issue.
I'm also willing to host the software, although I do not know if
>>62628 and >>62629 had any luck with it.
Plz do (´人`)
I didn't try it yet soz
Will try later today
wouldn't it be much more sketchy for everyone who is NOT using tor/vpn to connect to some random user hosted giko instance? I trust gikopoipoi.net isn't going to share my info but can't be certain some random unaccountable user isn't going to.
Well, that's the nature of the web. Shit sux for non-VPN users most of the time, except in the handful of scenarios where an admin has subscribed to an overzealous blocklist ┐(゚~゚)┌
I think you mean the other way around, because if your vpn is on a spamlist either you are a spammer or your vpn is NG...
It only takes 1 bad user/botnet victim to get a VPN server on a blocklist - it just depends on how aggressive the blacklist's standards are

The blacklist Gikopoipoi uses must be particularly aggressive, cuz I've checked my VPN's IPs against several blacklists and the IPs are unlisted on practically all of them - I generally don't have any trouble accessing 99.99999% of the web either unsure
So use tor/VPN
What's teh issue?
>I trust gikopoipoi.net isn't going to share my info but can't be certain some random unaccountable user isn't going to
Lolwut. There's no reason to think that. Gikopoipoi is some random unaccountable user anyway, beyond the fact that it and any other possible connection is being mitm'd.
gikopoipoi.net is not some random user. that is like saying heyuri.net is some random user. (gikopoi.com however IS ran by a random and vindictive user)
Both gikopoipoi.net and heyuri are known trustworthy sites. No one expects any of their info to fall into anyone's hands except the site's staff. And certainly no one expects their data to be handled by a user of those sites.
Not that an IP address alone is anything really special.
And you talking about MITM is quite insane, no one is MITMing your japanese cat chatroom game.
I just think it is a little silly that the security inherent with known and trusted services is lost because of a few torposters and people who's vpn providers suck can't use the trusted sites.(I just logged into giko using the built-in opera free vpn and it worked. That is the MOST blocked vpn so yes, your vpn sux) Then you want to essentially force all normal users into using tor or a vpn (inconvenience them) to have the same basic expectation of security that they would have been able to have without any special software while on known trusted sites when visiting an unaccountable user's instance.
Not that the user running a giko instance would actually do anything bad with your ips or share them but the possibility exists.
It is more of a philosophical security issue than a technical one. You are full of yourself if you think your ip is really so special and secret that you need to use a vpn for something like gikopoipoi.net or heyuri to begin with, unless you are a serial ban evader or something.
>No one expects any of their info to fall into anyone's hands except the site's staff
*** has leaked ip before
That time lolico accidentally made /all/ reveal the entire database complete with IPs for a few minutes... sweat2
That was far from the only time the database got leaked too - naturally I saved them for posterity biggrin

I probably don't have t3h sk1llz, but I've thought about attempting to turn the leaks I have into a browsable archive - it's basically everything between TEH CRASH restoration (2020/7/12) to immediately before /b/'s 8KGET (2020/08/17), except lounge for some reason. There's no images or thumbnails (I think only kuz has those), but it would still have an important cultural value
I recorded the townhall, well most of it.

...61.1 MB for a 1hr video!? Technology sugee sweat
Awesome biggrin
I compressed the shit out of it. Also barely anything moved in the video.

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