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I've been wanting to contribute to the template files, but I have no ideas which file is loading them in, therefore I am unable to add anything to the variables that are used in their files.
Don't know how else I'd contact Kaguya or whatever so I'm makin a post tongue
There are these two lines at config.php:

define("TEMPLATE_FILE", 'kokoimg.tpl'); // Template File
define("REPLY_TEMPLATE_FILE", 'kokoimgreply.tpl'); // Reply page template file

This is all I know rolleyes
but how does heyuri display these files? is it through something outside of kokonotsuba or something?
I am not a programmer but it's not something via outside of kokonotsuba, I think it should just werk. There were some users who could set up their instances without any issues with tpl files
variables seem to be loaded through the ParseBlock method in the PTELibrary class. you should be able to just modify the arrays that get passed to the method in koko.php if you want to add variables biggrin
Thanks! Although it seems like there are some variables that aren't defined in either koko nor PTELibrary, which is a bit weird but I should just search further tongue
the others are probably from lib_common.php and the optional modules, just do a regex search for
and it should come up with all of the template variable definitions nyaoo

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