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someone should just push a commit to koko which adds a config for "disallowing op quotelink"
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Oh noes!!
I dropped all my >>62492 >>62492 quotes!
OP is going to be so so mad... >>62492
It's not that big of an issue if someone quotelinks OP
I think it just shows that someone isn't willing to adapt if they refuse to do something as simple as not quotelinking OPs
I think it just shows that someone isn't willing to adapt if they refuse to do something as simple as not whining about quotelinking OPs
Whoops, i meant
Jesus christ, who cares?
Whoops, i meant
Jesus christ, who cares?
Jesus Christ, who cares about OP quotelinking?
This could go on...
Jesus Christ, who cares about wojaks?
Jesus Christ, who cares about pepe?
Jesus Christ, who cares about *oomer memes?
Jesus Christ, who cares about few buzzwords?
Jesus Christ, who cares about greentexting?
Jesus Christ, who cares about Heyuri's culture?
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Most of those are covered by Rule 8, but you will notice that "OP quotelinking" - something that has only recently become a "problem" thx 2 n00bs trying a little too hard to pretend they aren't n00bs - is not in there biggrin

Here's teh real tip so n00bs can lern 2 spot fellow n00bs: they liek to call everyone "newfag", they frequently party p00p threads outside /q/, and they act very serious and grouchy about things (such as the removed "netiquette" page) that nobody cared about during 90% of the past 3 years on this website wink
But nobody said they don't care about OP quotelinking. They just don't get steamed when other people make mistakes. You can hold in your heart the power to not quotelink OP just as you can not fall for other easy bait.
I like to imagine that it's just genuine trolling, which in a sense it really is
t. newfag
Yeah, I can see that you're new here. Why is it so hard for you people to adapt to Heyuri's culture. Me and other people who started lurking here in the late 2021 adapted quite easily, why can't you?
Wwow your guide really works
Does saying terveisin necessarily count as nu-lingo? Sometimes it feels like it is and isn't, it really has been muddled a lot so I'm not sure
>AI fag
>sotsu fag
In a strict temporal sense, it's anachronistic on english primary boards. However, it's fundamentally derived from email etiquette (directly) which is the basis of original online BBS culture. As the fag in question I don't care either way; if I was transported back in time or snapped up in space to some alien internet zoo exhibit I'd act just the same way on usenet because it makes sense intuitively to do so, which is really what informs my behavior (where any element of my higher judgement is at play) regardless of whether I'm on heyuri, on some newage hellhole, in some blog's comment section, or actually in a thread of emails.
Realistically, it isn't nu-lingo, it's foreign-lingo. It is literally a usage that was transmitted to me by people who were outside of the sphere of english<-japanese exclusive bbs but which definitely existed and was in use (in that foreign culture) before such a thing ever was. I probably wouldn't use it outside of literal trying-to-appear-new /q/posting like >>62506 unless I was doing something which hinged on some sort of presumed finnish context.
Too green

complaining about people quoting OP is bad but misusing the quote feature is worse
Can you explain the exact issue with it, besides falling back on "culture"?
It's a redundant practice since replies are replying to OP by default

But... Heyuri's culture was originally one of not sweating the small stuff, which I think is more impr0tant than some crap about OP quotelinking. As long as we're keeping within teh rules, let's have fun on the internet biggrin
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> Too green
Eat your Broccoli
I remember when I was the only one who would argue in favour of quotelinking the OP. How time flies...

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