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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Is this really the type of userbase we want to cultivate? I almost thought I was in /int/ or /pol/ for a second.
It seems as if Kuz contributes source code to the community, which allows Heyuri to grow and evolve, and the community turns more hostile to him. And he pays for the hosting? I know of Kuz from other imageboards, but I don't understand the hate.
the "community" doesnt, just a few recent newfags who are still butthurt over drama from 2020. The "community" as a whole habors some minor resentments but nothing like the incessant drama we've had since december
All I know about kuz is that his haters are really annoying and bring him up constantly. Cant kaguya just pay for heyuri himself and we forget about this mess?
dizzy my ID changed but I didnt change my IP
dizzydizzydizzydizzy it happened again
kuz's lapdogs really are taking one troll post out of context and trying to make heyuri users look bad. You know why we hate kuz and why we are completely justified in our hate
Shut the fuck up this isnt /pol/, which is clearly where you came from.

Speak for yourself. No one cared about kuz until you brought your faggy vendetta into this site and made it everyone elses problem.
>Heyuri was doing just fine with kuz
Ha ha ha ha!
Was doing great until you showed up
Maybe you should go back to soyjack.party to suck your russian benefactor's dick.
>Heyuri was doing just fine with kuz before
That's a stretch, but I agree that kind of "straight outta 8/pol/” post is pretty lame

I'm probably the last one who should be saying this (cuz teh lord knows I've written tomes-worth of rants related to kuz/kolyma over the years), but plz always keep in mind that even if u haet kuz/kaguya/whoever and you have good reasons for it, anything you post on Heyuri will impact the quality of the site and the experience for other users sweat2

Rather than aggressively exacerbate a situation or stoop down to a petty "you're a fucking nigger" "NO YOU'RE A FUCKING NIGGER" level of debate, let's strive to take it easy as much as possible, and try to maintain a certain level of sanctity for Heyuri. It's hallowed ground after all! (blessed by futa cum) biggrin
Heyuri was doing fine before this sudden jump in anti-kuz hysteria. All of this pitchforking has only made the site worse over the past few days and it serves no purpose other than for a few fags to release their pent up raeg.
pls go away angry man
>Heyuri was doing fine before this sudden jump in anti-kuz hysteria
This isn't what the post is talking about, Mod-sama

Outside trolls are trying to make heyuri users look bad by posting this one troll post. Don't listen to them! Listen to ID:3ZadD0SM's posts in the other thread!

Your post is the worst of them all. You come off as extremely unfun, annoying, and just ragey. Please take your flamewars elsewhere
That anon is a soyjack.party troll, you can just ignore him
Wait, I don't understand. Is the No.62428 anon or the No.62429 anon a troll?
Fuck off

Of course, kuz isn't going to adress actual criticism so he goes for a low hanging fruit and tries to make us look like unreasonable haters. >>62424 is right, we mustn't be provoked
what actual criticism did he not address?
Read through his posts in the >>62382 thread and see how dodgy he is. He gives very evasive answers

If I accused you of raping your mom what would you do? Go send pics of your moms unraped VAGINA and your virgin cock? No, you'd just dismiss it and say "its not true". Theres no point giving complex answers to retarded questions.
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*Drops Popcorn*

I should step in here.
Whether you believe or not, kuz isn't lying. He isn't selling any user data (also the only "data" we collect are your IP addresses, and even then we let you use proxies/TOR unlike actual honeypots).
He was never involved with CP/has shut down 3chan(and it's still up... or wait, it died too? You can see on https://web.archive.org/web/20221118164843/https://3chan.co/ that it was online until very recently). You can ask about this to its owner if you wish to, his contact should be easy enough to find if you care.
He was also not a /r9k/ mod. I don't have any way to prove this besides pointing out it would be ironic for an ex-/r9k/ mod to be a married guy today

Kuz does post wojak stuff, it's no secret he likes it. You may not like those stuff, or even have a distaste for kuz himself for that reason. But we don't welcome posts accomplishing nothing but complaining about his behavior, especially after he resigned from his position especially to have you stop talking about this drama, but that wasn't enough apparently. So I am repeating again, don't just come to Heyuri and obsess over someone posting R8 breaking stuff somewhere else on the internet. This is not the place for drama, not to say I will suppress your complaints(I just made a post about this in another thread) but I will have to take additional measures to prevent unnecessary drama.

I believe both parties are too furious to post more at the moment. Anger will defeat your senses, so I don't suggest posting a reply to my post for at least few hours - until calming down and thinking rationally again. You are all fully grown men, not some children to be insulting each other.

That's the least of our worries now. He did a mistake in the past, but then recognized the kolymatization was a mistake, and now allows me to de-kolymatizate Heyuri, as long as the parts hosted by Kolyma follows the ToS. I will take care of that little "powered by kolyma" icon and quit using kncdn (media can be at /b/src/, though things will be a little slower). I don't think there are any mentions of Kolyma left on Heyuri besides those, if those were what are bothering you. I will also take the kaptcha off from /lounge/ as an experiment just so you will see yourself how much spam we would get without it, then re-instate it for new threads only (which I've been meaning to do since it was modified few days ago, but I've been incredibly busy, both on internet and IRL)

>but what about when someone else comes and pays for it?
I've seen enough to know that this won't happen... Humans are selfish, they would never pay for something that won't directly benefit them. Especially if it's permanent, and costs 20+$ every single month.
Perhaps the exception to that can be found among imageboard users (kuz is one), but other than him, we are known to be broke financially. Kuz is ready and actually happy to transfer covering for all of Heyuri's costs (so he wouldn't be associated with us anymore) at any moment, but even with using all my savings, I can host Heyuri for two months at maximum without any donations, and mod-san isn't able to pay in long term either.

Also 3ZadD0SM-kun, I appreciate your interest in Heyuri, but don't you see that attitude of yours doesn't bring anything other than negativity to what is supposed to be a fun corner of internet? I really dislike your posts that basically about how much do you h8 kuz, even the ones giving the hint of it on /b/ (I notice!). It doesn't only serve to make kuz's mood worse or bring me some some drama to deal with on my site, but you are also making Heyuri insufferable for those of us who just want to take it easy.
I, on the other hand, really love 3ZadD0SM's posts, because he's not afraid to speak against your little clique.

I don't need to tell everyone at this point that you are a ban evader looking up to stir teh drama tongue
Why is it so hard to accept that kuz is bad for heyuri, kaguya? Sometimes you need to distance yourself from people who bring you (or your site) down
>and costs 20+$ every single month.
>Kuz is ready and actually happy to transfer covering for all of Heyuri's costs (so he wouldn't be associated with us anymore) at any moment
Can you be responsible for paying our fees if you hate kuz so much?
distance =/= cut all ties. Heyurians just really don't want to be associated with kuz anymore nor with values he represents (those values being posting wojacks and raiding smaller boards).
kuz doesnt represent those values, you projected them onto him
Heyuri is only really "associated" with him this much at the moment because some people don't know how to take it easy sweat2
Or maybe they are just ill-intended trolls that want some drama to ruin good places. We don't need to know whatever he does outside our circle in this small site

Luckily I believe Heyuri will recover from this as it did in the past biggrin
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>Also 3ZadD0SM-kun, I appreciate your interest in Heyuri, but don't you see that attitude of yours doesn't bring anything other than negativity to what is supposed to be a fun corner of internet? I really dislike your posts that basically about how much do you h8 kuz, even the ones giving the hint of it on /b/ (I notice!). It doesn't only serve to make kuz's mood worse or bring me some some drama to deal with on my site, but you are also making Heyuri insufferable for those of us who just want to take it easy.
The thing is Kaguya, and you have to understand this, Kuz IS detrimental to Heyuri, everyone is RIGHT on hating him, and you know why, even if you pretend you don't, I get that he is paying for the website and stuff, but you should realize that no one will truly take it easy with him around, so, I propose something: filter Kuz's name and any discussion about him, and then pretend he isn't associated with the website anymore

If his ego isn't enormous as I think it is, he should be ok with this, after all, no more hate posts would come for him after all right? I know that 80% of the "ermm actually I love Kuz!" posts are either him himself or his kolyma butt-buddies and you should know that too, until you manage to host Heyuri on your own, can we pretend Kuz doesn't exist? you know the hate for him won't stop, you know people are right on hating him even if ID:TotallyNotKuz disagrees with this, can you PLEASE think about this? nothing will change otherwise, people will remain spiteful of Kuz, Kuz will keep coming back to either spam garbage or falseflag as his number 1 fan, if you erase his existence and let him only work in the shadows, I believe it would truly benefit everyone, including Kuz

If you don't do this, well, nothing will change, people will continue hating Kuz, they will continue talking shit about him and Kuz will continue being mad and falseflagging to defend himself, I don't want this either, I think a decision that shuts both up like I said is the best way to do this, if you shut only the people who hate Kuz up, well, you know the type of person that would remain, if you just shut Kuz up, he will shit up the website and continue doing what he does.

Sorry about the late reply I was sleeping
just you*. No one else cares
Mamma mia they really have perfected reading technology in russia, not even I could read a post this fast (;´Д`)
Jesus christ, just forget about Kuz. Good, bad or indiferent, all this pissy arguing does nothing but shit up the site
That's what I'm proposing dark filter out any discussion about Kuz so people forget about his presence and everyone can take it easy
But no one was talking about kuz before you showed up...
1 - Not true, many other users aren't fond of him, you can see this everywhere, I don't need to point it out, you can also read the advertisement posts on 4chan's archives and see that the only point people have against joining Heyuri (outside of the normalfags that get mad at rule 8) is that Kuz was the owner, I can point out 3 distinct people though, the guy that was banned for trolling in this thread, faganon and mod-sama, all 3 aren't very fond of Kuz, these are of course, only the ones that stand out, there are many that are anonymous
2 - Kuz started a Q&A, of course I would start talking about him now
3 - No one likes Kuz, the /vote/ poll where 9 people voted for mod-sama as the best mod and 0 people voted for Kuz proved this, the only ones that do like Kuz are the ones that came from places like 9chan and stuff
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Please think a lot about my request before rejecting it Kaguya, I truly do believe it's the best way to keep Heyuri comfy and easy, there should be no reason for you not to do it, I know you'll probably say something about Kuz's legacy as the ex-owner or him being part of the culture, but is that really more worth it than calm and peace on the website? please understand Kaguya
You have been randomly bringing up kuz in completely unrelated threads/blaming him for things he had nothing to do with ever since you cam here
And the rule I am trying to make Kaguya accept would ban posts like that, dark you get it?

also, I am not the only person talking about Kuz, my arrival happened and then a day later the advertisements started, which brought new users to the website, which then brought more people talking about Kuz glare2 correlation does not equal causation or something like that, the rule would fix this
i dont like fighting, which makes me indifferent to all sides. there are no lulz Σ(;゚Д゚)
sad I don't like fighting either, I want Heyuri to be the easiest place on the interwebs
>so, I propose something: filter Kuz's name and any discussion about him, and then pretend he isn't associated with the website anymore
That is effectively exactly what kaguya had been doing for months until that big longpost thread between him and I recently sweat2

That all started because I was growing increasingly concerned about how far the convenient narrative/white lie of "kuz is no longer involved with Heyuri, he's not here anymore" had deviated from the truth of the situation. I could see it having a terrible impact on Heyuri later down the road when those who were here specifically because they were under the impression that kuz was gone were to inevitably find out that he was still around to some extent - so in a rash decision and the heat of the moment, I tore the bandaid off hoping to resolve things early before the new/returning users could get too comfortable, hoping to minimize the potential outrage/devastation sweat2

Obviously this has upset the peace and caused some pandemonium (for which I do take a fair amount of responsibility for and apologize), but I do believe it was inevitable given the circumstances - and I think all of this will inevitably happen again should we go back to pretending kuz is gone when he's not dark

I know it's not fun for anyone, but I honestly believe it's for the best that we keep transparent and don't try to "swindle" potential/returning users - if they have a deep-seated hatred of kuz (or anyone else here for that matter), it's better if they're aware of the involvement so they don't come in with false hopes and expectations, which will only lead to further disappointment, distrust, and bitterness dark

(also quick sidenote: I'm not the only one that uses the mod capcode and ID, and I typically only use it when I think it's necessary or if I think it would be funny, so don't assume it's always me. For transparency, my only post ITT before now was >>62424 )
rolleyes what do you suggest to fix this then mod-sama? I feel like most people would be ok with the escapism of pretending Kuz doesn't exist
This may be a little too "insider baseball", but if you look at the wider trajectory, it's pretty clear that kuz's involvements with Heyuri (not including the random Rule 8 stuff he posts and his recent "less than effective" efforts to defend his name in the current climate) have been steadily decreasing - both through kuz's own waning interest in Heyuri, and through kaguya's many (but often unseen) behind-the-scenes efforts to de-kolyma-ize Heyuri and to complete the remainder of the transition of full ownership from kuz to him

Now, putting any friendship they might have for each other aside, it's clear that in order for kaguya (or anyone) to one day own Heyuri in its entirety (and thus kuz having no involvement whatsoever), he must remain in kuz's good books and maintain a certain level of mutual trust and respect before kuz even considers. Just think - if I or some random person were to contact kuz, point bananagun at head, and say "ALL YOUR HEYURI ARE BELONG TO US", he'd just LOL and ignore it, right?

The point here is that kuz is never going to give Heyuri to anyone who just asks/demands for it, so diplomacy, politics, and tact are required (or just being friends - that helps too!). Aggression, wild accusations, and calls for revolts/coups are totally useless and ineffective - not to mention they turn Heyuri into a warzone dark

While I'd be the first to admit that it's very easy to get worked up about kuz and view some of his various actions (whether real or rumored) as "ruining Heyuri", we all have to keep in mind (me especially) that our responses to/about him can equally ruin Heyuri, and can stop the site from being fun for everyone else

Now, this isn't to say we should all just let kuz and kaguya be totally unaccountable and rule over Heyuri with an iron b&hammer - I think they've individually overstepped the mark and exacerbated the situation just as much as certain users and I have, with the careless overuse of b&hammer and the needless antagonizing/ostracizing of certain users in ways that were completely avoidable. I think changes to the current moderation policy (...there isn't one LOL) should be made so that Heyuri doesn't end up making any more enemies out of allies, and so situations like this don't end up going this far, for this long

I'd also like to extend an olive branch to you (assuming you're the anonymous who's been the most vocal about your thoughts on Heyuri meta lately), and ask if you'd be open to a private discussion with me on XMPP (or wherever is convenient for both of us... I'm not very convenient xd) where we can discuss Heyuri, your issues, hopefully learn some things/reach some middle ground, discuss PENIS, etc. - if you're interested that is. I'll warn you now though that I'm a shitty and awkward conversationalist xd

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