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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Hi Heyuri,

Recently kuz has been a heated topic on Heyuri, and not in the good way. We figured out instead of letting some ideas that would make you question our transparency/cause doubt about Heyuri's administration grow inside you without having the chance to see other perspectives of matters, it would be more beneficial to us as a community if your questions/complaints were answered by the man himself.

I explained recently why do posts showing kuz in bad light usually gets deleted from Heyuri, but an exception will be made for this time, and no posts from will be deleted from this thread unless they break Heyuri's home rules, so you can also use this thread to vent about kuz as you please too.

*grabs popcorn*
I had never heard of you until I started browsing Heyuri - so I'm quite curious on how you'd define yourself. Who are you?
Hey Kuz, what did you do to be so hated?
Oh and another question:
- Why are you so opposed to the de-kolymatization of Heyuri you bitch? I don't care about your russian clique and I'm sure 99% of Heyuri users also don't care and don't want to be involved, help Kaguya take that damn captcha out of /lounge/ angry
kuz you fucked a lot of things over because of your own selfishness and retardation in multiple imageboards,
i understand you might have changed but it seems not like a lot, your still shit.
thanks for paying 4 heyuris server though, i guess
I guess now is the perfect time to ask.

How did you first stumble upon heyuri? lolico
I HAET kuz cuz he makes me waste hours writing longposts that a lot of the time I decide against posting angry

I've already written 3 for this thread alone, and if I search my Heyuri folder for "unmade post" there's 53 results (which is only a small fraction of ones I've written and not posted) and most of them are me being very teh angry at something kuz did or said angry

Actually, I just opened "unmade reply to kuz butthurt.txt" from 2022/04/28 and saw this line:
>- I am NOT your girlfriend, and even if I was, I still owe lolico a blowjob

Then it goes on for many paragraphs before ending mid-sentence, and then there's "unmade reply to kuz butthurt 2.txt" which starts off saying "My longpost was too long (;´Д`), so I'll summarize"... but it's just as long xd

Hopefully one day I can share some of these and we can all laugh at how silly it all was...
I am just a man

>Back in 2020 in the strawberryheaven days, I visited the discord (which to me having a discord for a imageboard was an awful idea and I don't know why you did that), and saw you posting wojak garbage all the time, despite the discord being about an website that bans such things, why? it felt more like a Kuz discord instead of a Heyuri discord, and when I questioned it one of your orbiters just went "well uhhh he's not posting it on the website so uhhh it's ok fuck off!!", but still, why? why would you let those kind of people be around Heyuri?
It is possible for me to engage in two types of humor. If the fact that I find heyuri's humor type funny, as well as the newer, 4chan-type shitposting funny, bothers you, then I dont know what to say. Also, I dont think there was ever a heyuri discord under my reign. When I co-piloted with lolico, he wanted to have one for discussion, but as soon as I took over, it became only for notifications.

>I don't have the screenshots, and when I tried to go look for them on /g/'s archive I found out that they were suspiciously deleted, I will take the nice side and not the conspiracy theorist side and imagine they were deleted by a random mod and not by you yourself to save your reputation, anyways, in those screenshots, forgive me for my memory being fuzzy this happened 3 years ago after all, in those screenshots there was proof of you being responsible for the shutting down of 3chan, after spamming CP in there, there was proof about you being an old 4chan mod who used /r9k/ a lot, there was proof about one of your girlfriend you met at a con using your computer to fuck shit up, and there was proof about you doing some other bad shit too like selling user data from Heyuri posters, could you defend yourself from these allegations? again, I apologize for not having those screenshots anymore, but I'm sure you're aware of their existence and know what I'm talking about, them being fake or not, I'd like you to explain them
I dont really care much about imageboards enough to shut them down, and also, Yushe (the owner of 3chan) himself never said anything about me spamming it. The only time I ever posted on 3chan was after Heyuri went down 2 years ago. I've never been a 4chan mod, I dont use /r9k/.. also, selling user data from heyuri? lol, you have to be clueless to say that. Who on earth would buy a half dozen IP addresses from a random imageboard? If selling data was that easy i'd be a billionaire. Imageboards arent the type of sites you can "sell user data" from. This isnt facebook. You dont have profiles and preferences.

>Your shit comedy taste aside, explain to me your reasoning for buying soyjak.party, a garbage website that even has a /raid/ board to shit other websites up, why would you support these shitposters? I use a VPN to spam 4chan with off-topic /an/ threads, and before I also used it to advertise Heyuri, so I understand if the reasoning is to kill 4chan faster due to it's awful moderation, but I can not see why you'd take part in such awful """ironic""" culture and help it grow to this level
Culture is subjective, I've always enjoyed some types of humor that the public finds unacceptable. Anyways, I turned off that sites /raid/ board and I dont participate in raids. Why dont you go raid them back if your annoyed with them?

>Did you really get arrested for CP possession (or some other crime) and became forced to work with the russian government? I don't care if you like CP, it's ok with me, however, I do care if you sold mine or other people's IP addresses and various other personal data to the russian government, this was the last straw that made me leave Heyuri back in 2020, so I'd really like to see your response to this, preferably something more elaborate to "uhh no I didn't do nothing"
Nope. Sorry, dont have anything other to say about this. I've never been involved with any CP stuff and have given alot of time, money, and effort to stopping it on the sites I have control over. However, whenever I am not involved in a sites running (Heyuri, Vidlii), the sites suffer immensely in terms of moderation. On the contrary, every site I have taken on visits double, sometimes triple digit growth and a untold level of success. Then, once I depart (willingly or unwillingly), the circumstances deteriorate significantly. Only by placing in power an extremely intelligent and capable leader such as Kaguya was this effect negated on Heyuri, for the most part.

>Did you date Lolico? It'd be cool if you did
If kaguya wants the captcha gone, he can take it off. I havent stopped him from removing anything. He could remove it right now if he wanted to, but he chooses not to. Develop your own captcha and give it to him, then maybe he'll replace it.

If I removed every "kolyma" part of this site, it wouldnt exist. No SpamDB? Good luck having unbanned every spammer and cp spammer since 2020. No Kaptcha? Lounge will be unusable due to constant bot spam. Might as well take away kolymas hosting service as well, now heyuri's offline. Oh, and dont forget Kaguya, he's part of kolyma, so you'll need to remove him too.

>kuz you fucked a lot of things over because of your own selfishness and retardation in multiple imageboards,
Selfishness? I have been paying for heyuri, cleaning up its spam when it isnt being moderated, protecting it from raids, developing its software for 2 years, and in return, people say i am selfish over what? Even now, I will sit here and answer stupid questions while helping kaguya fix the mess he made of the code. But please, go on and tell me about how me posting a thread you dont like on an imageboard you dont visit is "selfish".

I dont recall.. I really dont recall. I do remember that I first liked it, because of the font lolico had chosen.
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Here comes the faggot himself. Hope you die of cancer you snow nigger
>It is possible for me to engage in two types of humor
You just outed yourself, we'd rather have an admin who actually believes in Heyuri's rules than someone who just LARPs. Fuck you!
These aggressive posts are quite unnecessary even if you hate kuz glare2
Heyuri isn't stagnated, or maybe in your mind it is since no one wants to indulge with you and the 1-2 other freaks who just want to hate on kuz all day.
The boom in new users was either an intentional attack by some butthurt user like you or misguided attempt to get more posters, or a combination of both. no sane person would want most of the modern 4chan audience here.
You say no one likes kuz but I do. Pretty much no one knows who kuz is even on 4chan, and the recent ads on 4chan were not effective because they allegedly claimed kuz was gone. They were effective because 4chan has an insane amount of users. Pretty sure I remember the early screenshots of the ads said nothing of kuz whatsoever, and the ones that did only started AFTER the first wave of users came. INTERESTING!
> the only thing holding Heyuri back
holding heyuri back from what exactly?
> you're not a hero for giving money to the homeless man
so heyuri is a homeless man now?
> one day your time will come
calm down there internet tough guy!
>you are autistic and a failure as a person
stop projecting your own issues onto the internet.
Don't continue teh previous day's drama after the situation already calmed down in a different thread and swords were already lowered!!! angry
speak for yourself, the other thread isn't for this discussion.
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Whatever you say, kuz
>Pretty much no one knows who kuz is even on 4chan
That's clearly not true. Just look at No.42283371 and No.36750443 threads on /jp/ or No.90561787 on /g/, to name a few recent threads, where heyuri and kuz were discussed. And majority of people there don't really like kuz, some of them even think he's stil the admin
>I want you to know that no one likes you, the reason Heyuri stagnated was because no one wanted to be associated with you, and the boom in new users that happened in december happened because the main point of the advertisements was that YOU were gone
The boom of new users is refugees from other imageboards who long knew about heyuri whose main haunt gave up the ghost of being usable. Eceleb obsessed faggots like yourself notwithstanding, of course. The boom of new users making any sort of attempt to post in the style of the site, I guess.
Even though I've never had any interest in or partaken in soyjakery, it's pretty clear that those guys are having fun and keeping the spirit of doing shit that's funny to them at least in part because of how booty blasted prissy prats who are concerned by people liking what they don't like rather than actually carving out a space for themselves well alive. Your incredible asshurt over something which literally doesn't appear on this website at all, which you, you specifically and other people like you complaining about something offsite, are bringing into my consciousness when here, is the only actual source of soyjaks being posted or discussed actively on heyuri. Congrats. You have made a post about soyjaks. You are the soyjak poster.
how can you be so pathetic?
How so? That anon merely pointed out that what >>62468 said was incorrect
>Eceleb obsessed faggots like yourself
>You are the soyjak poster
Seriously, it's not even believable at this point. Just drop the act
The Q&A is over, so locking the thread now. The drama should get over as well.
Also I just want to point out that post was made during the night time for kuz

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