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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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It messes with my head that Heyuri doesn't have a [Return] button at the bottom of threads. I'm always looking for it!
I just use the browser back button or the nav links at the top, and I use the Home and End keys on the keyboard to quickly jump to the tops and bottoms of pages smile
>the nav links at the top
That reminds me, there should also be a [Top] button at the bottom of threads, right next to the [Return] button.
Yes, there ARE people who use those!
I could probably easily write some code for this. I'm going to try it out right now and see if it's as simple as using history.back()
I'll try this too afterwards
It doesn't need to be written, as there's already a [Return] link above the "Posting mode: Reply" bar. You could probably just copy the line that generates that link to the section where [Update] is - preferably appearing to the left of [Update]
>> 8 KB
Good point. I will try that instead of what I did in picrel
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Ok I ran into an issue that I hope doesn't cause bugs/errors when the pull request is being reviewed. The Return anchor at the top of the page is located in koko.php and the Update anchor at the bottom left of the screen uses update-txt.js. So instead I just used history.go(-2) because of the noko functionality we can't just use history.back(). I'm going to update the code to the repo now
I submitted the pull request. I hope everything goes smoothly and it gets integrated soon. Thank you for the suggestion, it was a fun task(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
If this PR is accepted and merged I'll do this ASAP
i cant see your pull request anywhere anon unsure

I'm thinking about fixing it in an hour or so by writing a function to redirect if the URL contains /q/ then redirect to /q/ and the same for /b/. I tested it on my test board and it didn't work
Ok just updated the PR. I can't test it on my board because I only have 1 board and there's no /b/ in the URL. But logically the code seems sound to me, so I committed it
ohh it qas in the js repo, i just check the main php one ( ´,_ゝ`)
Thank you. I'll work on >>62357 after finishing translating these Chinese comments in the module directory
Instead of using JS just have it done with PHP and add a return link directly in the html that goes to current board.
I found that it was more straightforward to integrate it with the update-txt.js file, where the Update anchor is located, as opposed to modifying each PHP template file. While your method would also work, it may require more lines of code across multiple files. The PR is still open if you want to try that method instead. I'm not sure if my PR will get merged because it requires having the update-txt.js file in a different location, rather than the current content distributor network, k.kncdn.org
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isn't this supposed to download files with the original name instead of opening it in the new tab?
>isn't this supposed to download files with the original name instead of opening it in the new tab?
That's correct, but it b0rked when our images were moved to i.kncdn.org a year or so ago - this is thx 2 increased browser security preventing downloads from being initiated when they're from a different URL to the one you're currently on

I believe it's on the list of things to resolve, but I don't have any details/updates sweat2
why can't I work 4chanx on heyuri?
It only works on sites the devs have explicitly designed it to, and Heyuri isn't one of them
how do I make everyone anonymous?
Use this custom CSS:
.name {
display: none;

to custom CSS via [Settings]
I win! biggrin

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