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why does quoting a post and saying nothing else get you banned? Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is. Instant ban. why
I don't think it breaks any rules but it should, stop making low quality posts
that's how spammers try to break R8 usually
If it's just quoting a post for the sake of clarity and not trying to be catty/annoying with it, then it's not rule-breaking, but generally speaking the whole "greentext only" and "greentext + reaction image" phenomenon instantly makes a place feel like a typical miserable 2009+ imageboard, which Heyuri actively tries to avoid dark

I also wouldn't read too much into public ban messages (presuming that's what inspired this thread) - they're mostly just for fun, providing free entertainment for the other users biggrin
I'll also add that Heyuri is generally quite lenient when it comes to mildly rule-breaking or gray area posts, but less leniency is shown towards repeat offenders and those who've previously been warned... especially if it's their hundredth-and-something time being a nuisance on the boards sweat3
>Heyuri is generally quite lenient when it comes to mildly rule-breaking or gray area posts
True, but mods can still issue private warns if they choose to.
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I just realized that replying to a post is called quote
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another thing I noticed is that if you enter a thread on /q/ you can see the admin announcement even if it has expired but that doesn't work on every thread except specific ones
That's just your browser caching the announcement. Ctrl+shift+R should fix it... i think
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I don't fucking think so my dude
A quote link (like >>63863 ) is a quote of a post number that the board software auto-linkifies

A reply is what you're reading rite nao, and they are directed at the OP or a recent reply unless otherwise specified by a quote or quote link
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it's different from 4chan that's what I want to say
Threads exist as static HTML pages (unless you're viewing as a mod or using the live frontend I believe), and they don't get refreshed until something triggers it, such as a new post or something else. This saves us from unnecessary processing on the server every time someone opens a thread

This is a different website to 4chan after all sweat2 - plus there was no such hover message on 4chan until relatively recent times

Behold what happens when you click a post number on Futaba: https://may.2chan.net/b/
Read the rules carefully to find out.
It's also a thing that only started happening on imageboards in about 2018 or so, I don't see how it's any less a violation of rule 8 than a greentext story (which also includes "misuse of the quoting feature", although that's meant for ">" of course). In fact that seems to be a shoe-in violation of the buzzword clause.
Even more so for
>Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is.
Which is once again something that only started happening in ~2018 or so and is clearly a misuse of the quoting feature in the greentext story sense.

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