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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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As you read it in the newspost. Discuss under here
i haven't expected that i would read these words today ( ´ω`)
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w00t!!! biggrin
I don't have the slightest idea of how to benefit from this information closed-eyes. Glad for the codefags though biggrin
I'm glad to see that Kokonotsuba is public. It's something I did not expect to happen.
>It's something I did not expect to happen.
I don't think anyone did. This is a "breaking news: hell freezes over" event sweat
Woah this is huge! I can help now
Yes, please do if you can biggrin
The kokonotsuba link at the bottom of threads should probably be changed to https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba

Also, that section of the footer doesn't appear on the board index, presumably erroneously. It's been like that for teh ages, but I can't remember if I brought it up before or not sweat2
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Stallman approves
I am not sure if RMS approves the MIT license. It's not as free as GNU's, those who use kokonotsuba/something based on kokonotsuba must still give credit to us
>6 hours
>no commits
setting up a test server now. I didn't feel like figuring it out on my local machine, so I bought hosting. I just hope I'm not too dumb to set it up. Vichan was a bitch to set up
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I'm not sure where to actually make the first post. My landing page looks this. I ran the installer. I haven't gotten to the step where I make /dat non-indexable, non-web directory. I'm not too concerned about data being leaked right now as I just want to make the first post
I'm just not sure where the index.html will come from. Do I create it myself?
I'm going to keep poking around
Giving up for the night. I just wanted to say thank you to Kuz for releasing the source code. I am very grateful. What features are people looking to implement?
The only thing I can think of right now is a bug fix, so that if you hit the submit button more than once, then you will not accidentally spam. The way I can see that being fixed is limiting a user's post to not allow more than 1 post per 5 seconds. I'm open to try more elegant solution or ideas
i would have expected pigs to fly before this. no wonder modsama had a 180 flip when THIS was the good nwws
heyurians are infamously illiterate, will take a while for any contribs ヽ(´ー`)ノ
trying to understand the code to contribute but i think im retarded because i cant find shit i see on heyuri's koko.php, but cant find on the koko.php file on the github
just create the db, install.php will handle table creation for you. Create the db, give the user permissions to access it, and put in the creds. imglog is the default name of the table and is already written in the sql connection string, install.php will create that table and its columns for you
After completing installation, access koko.php
After years of development, an easy installation was never considered because it was never meant for public release. Theres also no documentation, as the knowledge needed was recited orally from developer to developer as time went on. Once you get it running, its easy to modify from there. All frontend changes are contained nicely in the template system (the .tpl files). Theres 2 templates, boardview (kokoimg) and threadview (kokoimgreply).
Again, Kokonotsuba is basically like a piece of drywall which has been painted over 5000 times, its very old (the absolute core basics of the code were written 22 years ago), rackety, and strange. Theres a reason I was no longer interested in maintaining it or using it on any of my sites. It does certainly have a charm though, and has so far been the most well made heyuri home-brew software
Kokonotsuba has alot of very cool (and often times janky) hidden features, gimmicks, and tricks which can be fun. It sports a quick reply form, inline filter, post-editing system, and others, though none are enabled on Heyuri. I recommend exploring these
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>define("REF_URL", 'https://jump.kolyma.org'); // Leaving this blank will break URL's.
aww man

I guess I can walk through how I got it to somewhat work

It seems to work out of the box on Apache with little to no modifications. The only changes I did were to change the MySQL username and password, then the board, as well as the referral cushion. And also set the admin password.
Finally, I added some footer text since one of the terms for using the script is to credit Heyuri.
define("FOOTTEXT", 'Heyuri.net is always the place to be. Also thank you KolymaNET for leading development on this script.');

I then also set CONNECTION_STRING to the proper database
// Database Settings
define("CONNECTION_STRING", 'mysqli://[username]:[password]@localhost/kokonotsuba/imglog/'); // PIO Connection string (MySQLi)
// Archive Database Settings (MySQLi)
define("ARCHIVE_HOST", 'localhost');
define("ARCHIVE_USER", '[username]');
define("ARCHIVE_PASS", '[password]');
define("ARCHIVE_DB", 'kokonotsubaarchive'); // Make the DB first!
define("ARCHIVE_TABLE", 'kokonotsubaarchive');
I, of course, changed everything in [brackets] to what it actually is.

I created the database

CREATE DATABASE kokonotsuba;


I then chowned the script to www-data
chown -R www-data /var/www/dev/kokonotsuba

And also modified my php.ini for this since the server it was running on was mostly running perl scripts
upload_max_filesize = 20M
then restarting apache

Next, I want to the install script and it errored out.
Turning on display_errors in php.ini showed this:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in [path-to-kokonotsuba-directory]/install.php on line 167

I put it into ChatGPT since I didn't feel like reverse-engineering the code and it gave a super convoluted answer that didn't make any sense. It turns out I did need to reverse engineer the code a bit after all. Simply put, you just need to remove the comma after $data[19] on line 166
So change
				$data[12], $data[13], $data[14], $data[15],
$data[16], $com, $data[18], $data[19],

				$data[12], $data[13], $data[14], $data[15],
$data[16], $com, $data[18], $data[19]

Now the installer will function as normal. This is what it looked like after clicking install.

The board then successfully installed and I was able to post like usual.

I then noticed there was an issue with the gallery: Photos were not showing up. They still were showing up on /src/, however, I quickly realized that they were converting to .png. Now there is definitely a way to fix that, but I haven't done that.

Besides that, everything works just fine. I did have some issues with referral cushioners and quick reply (quick reply doesn't have a post button and referral cushions might be using the wrong sanitation).
I was also having a bit of an issue logging in as an admin.

I'll play around with it a bit more tomorrow.

Regardless, in my opinion, TinyIB (at least at the current moment) is a way better option if you want an imageboard script that just works, although it has a lot less features.
Also, here's the ceiling pic I used as a test because I know somebody would want to see it: http://dev.world2ch.net/SorryIDontKnowWhereToPutTheseSoImPuttingThemHereIfThatsOkayAndCatboxIsDown/Ceiling.jpg
>I haven't gotten to the step where I make /dat non-indexable
Thanks for reminding me. Added a simple .htaccess.

Ok so it turns out that the referral cushion was just a me issue. I was using my own cushioner, which did not account for strip_tags(). Links parse fine if you use jump.kolyma.net.

I still cannot find out why logging in is not working.

>Kokonotsuba is basically like a piece of drywall which has been painted over 5000 times
That truly seems like a great way to put it.

(Not actually planning on using kokonotsuba, I just wanted to test it out)
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Fixed the catalog images by changing
($FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext) ? '<img src="'.$FileIO->getImageURL($tim.'s.jpg').'" width="'.min(150, $tw).'" vspace="3" class="thumb" />' : '***').

($FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext) ? '<img src="'.$FileIO->getImageURL($tim.'s.png').'" width="'.min(150, $tw).'" vspace="3" class="thumb" />' : '***').

which is line 108 on module/mod_cat.php
Also stole replies.png from heyuri, as that is not packed in with the install. (had to change line 6 for this)
I wonder what devs on Heyuri actually think of the code, as this is the first time this actually gets released to the public mona2

Also don't forget to use https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues to report bugs on kokonotsuba. That's the best way to keep track of bugs
It can also be used to suggest features
how does it display the .tpl files? im a bit of a newb so it just might mean you set up some other stuff, but i dont see any code for assigning variables, etc to the smarty parser
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I think my webhost is too up-to-date with PHP to run koko.php. Errors on the right are from when I tried to run koko.php. This is where I was stuck last night when I gave up
Left is the env.php
An important note...

Kokonotsuba is designed and tested on debian 10, nginx, mariadb, and php7.3, and isn't guaranteed to work on any other stack.
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It turns out you had to go here (https://sys.kolyma.net/passwd.php), then put the hashed password into ADMIN_HASH to make it work.
Now everything works flawlessly.

>I then chowned the script to www-data
Definitely don't do this in a real environment (imo).
definitely very good to know

This concludes my saga on trying out Kokonotsuba. biggrin
russian kolyma backdoor lol

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