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I don't know if that's what we call those who browse this website, but I would like to hear what you guys think means to be a heyurian. Reading thoughtful words are always warming to the heart ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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in my eyes, what it means to be a user on this site (or heyurian, if that's what we're going with), is to have a carefree way of going about posting here. not enough to pay no mind to teh rulez dark, but enough to sit back and play along with whatever crazy or lewd shit we throw at each other.

to put it another way, it's like playing catch with someone. if this were another site like le 4chinz, your buddy would be throwing the ball straight at your own pair and would laugh his ass off at your expense. sweat2

meanwhile here, it's just like passing the ball back and forth; there's understanding between you and the other dude. there's trust that neither will throw the ball too high, but high enough that the game doesn't get boring.
and though your bud may be a bit slow to respond, it makes it all the more worthwhile when he changes up the game.

i'm not even sure if that made any sense, but that's par for the course with heyuri philosophy dizzy
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Heyuri to me is a place where relatively like-minded netizens hang out and collaborate to produce things of awesomeness, hawtness, and LOLs to entertain each other - whether it's a funny/informative reply, an epic shop, a dump of a particular fetish/character, a series of oekaki, a flash animation, a deep dive into internet archaeology, or efforts to improve the website itself

This is what the internet is when it's at its best, regardless of time or place wink

>to put it another way, it's like playing catch with someone. if this were another site like le 4chinz, your buddy would be throwing the ball straight at your own pair and would laugh his ass off at your expense.
>meanwhile here, it's just like passing the ball back and forth; there's understanding between you and the other dude. there's trust that neither will throw the ball too high, but high enough that the game doesn't get boring.
>and though your bud may be a bit slow to respond, it makes it all the more worthwhile when he changes up the game.
I think that's a great way of putting it - though I'd say at this point 4chan is less liek ur buddy throwing a ball at ur nuts for the lulz, and more like some obnoxious little kid ridiculing anyone for even attempting to pick up the ball cuz they've mislearned that playing catch is a Reddit thing to do dark
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I'd say being a Heyurian (or Heyurizen) means using the power of the internetz for good.
Heyuri is about as free as you can get without being a 'free speech' website, and the users don't take that as some challenge to post the most shocking content they can find or have never ending mad-ons for blacks or gays or whatever.
Heyuri is truly irreverent, not in that puffed up, confrontational way you see on 4chinz,and other imageboards that take after it, but in this wonderful way that leads to epic lolz and awesome porn and lots of great OC.
Heyurians are smart without being overly pretentious, politically incorrect without trying to prove anything, are silly,but can hold a real discussion if it's worthwhile, and are goddamned MASTERS of OC!
Heyurians are not self-serving or lazy, we don't recycle the same lame jokes that permeate the greater internet,we don't use variations on templates, when a thread is started that seems to benefit no-one but OP it gets ignored, or turned into something that produces lolz for all.
I think we could use a few moar users,(not many, that would kill Heyuri's souldark), but Heyuri is already pretty astounding.

Basically being a Heyurian means winning the internet wink
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i just realized i never said what i felt about what it means... so i'll say it nao!!

heyuri is an interesting specimen in the sea of the internetz. yes, it may have some less-than-normal (or desired) content to most ppl, but maybe that's what makes heyuri special. maybe it'll change in the future. but as heyuri stands right now, it's a comfy area to hang out for a short moment of my day. and it makes me feel less alone than i do on the most darkest of days. to be a heyurian is to a certain part of yourself, regardless on what being 'yourself' is, without the guise of shit posts (not shitposts) to mud the waters of self.

as i said in an /o/ post a week or so ago; "for a brief moment in space and time, heyuri was here. and i was fortunate enough to be there with you"

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