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(is that a word?)

Lately (or a bit more than just lately..), drawings on /o/ feel like they were drawn by middle schoolers at school breaks. I am considering adding a rule like "Don't use this board as your own personal doodlepads" (credit: 406-san)
This is a rule that would be enforced mostly by my or mods' discretion, so I should clarify this rule wouldn't mean that low quality drawings/unskilled artists aren't welcome

Here are few examples to things that would get deleted in the future:

Threads like https://img.heyuri.net/o/potiboard.php?res=480 would stay

Tell me what you think
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That sounds good. Honestly I've been ignoring /o/ since it's the least active and least entertaining board dark it could do with little bit of overhaul.The biggest issue is that we don't have a hueg amount of artistes on Heyuri cry
>(is that a word?)
"Stricter" or "more strict" would have worked biggrin

>Tell me what you think
I agree in theory (406-san reporting in!), but if we're not careful we could easily end up with one or more of the following scenarios:

a. something worth keeping gets baleeted by an moron, shitstorm ensues
b. the backseat moderation club starts constantly pooping on every minor thing they don't like and keeps campaigning for moar baleetions
c. nobody knows if what they want to draw (or are capable of drawing) is acceptable or not, so they avoid posting on /o/ altogether

I don't think my own wording about "personal doodlepads" is particularly helpful outside of its original context (which was the sudden epidemic of underageb& filling /o/ up with endless lame "Original Characters" doing unfunny things), cuz a lot of great oekaki is exactly the sort of thing that artists draw in doodlepads. It was the "personal" aspect I was really focusing on - treating Heyuri like it was their own dumping ground for all their crappy low-effort drawings without considering that maybe other users don't want to see an entire page of shitty, low quality, not-even-having-the-decency-to-provide-LOLs OC DONUT STEEL

There's also a key distinction to be made between those who draw like a semi-competent 7 year old, and those who draw like a mentally-challenged blind man with Parkinson's disease using a mouse with their left foot - I think the former is perfectly OK if it's cute/funny/etc., but I can't imagine anyone on this planet with fully functioning cognitive capabilities wants to see the visual diarrhea of the latter dark

PS: /h/aruhi SEX
I agree with 61789-san! It's good to be careful when deciding on something to be low-quality. That doesn't mean you can't make mistakes either! A good community learns from it's mistakes when transparent.
I think most of what there is to say has been said by 61789-san, and I totally agree.

Low quality art can be charming so long as there is more substance to it than just a doodle of RADICAL ORIGINAL CHARACTER just kinda... sitting there... in a blank void... dizzy

/o/ is for fun, so why not go crazy with it? happy
I just deleted few posts off /o/, but I intend it to be one-time thing so there isn't a reason for c. from >>61789 to happen. It is something I was worrying about as well

If it's the inactivity of it that turns you off, I'd suggest still checking it from time to time, at least whenever you feel like it. Actually, right now is a perfect time nosebleed

Now I understand what you complained there was more about some users were trying to force some lame characters they drawing to /o/, but you say:
>treating Heyuri like it was their own dumping ground for all their crappy low-effort drawings without considering that maybe other users don't want to see an entire page of shitty, low quality, not-even-having-the-decency-to-provide-LOLs OC DONUT STEEL
I completely agree, but don't think this one has much to do with the "personal" part of your message. Noone would have a reason to make such a deal of it if they were simply OC characters doing fun things, as there is no obligation to draw some character from existing series. That's why I think "personal doodlepads" is a fitting word in this case
>they drawing
they were drawing*
that sentence was particularly hard to write out..
After learning from my mistake, I guess so!
Should we step in again? unsure
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>Should we step in again?
I don't think so - the only doodle lately that's even close to being on par with the crap that caused this thread to be made is pic related, and it's just one pic rather than multiple pages of pics made in relatively quick succession sweat2

That being said, I swear to god they always intentionally wait for somebody to draw something freaking amazing before "gracing" us with their two-second turds that sit at the top of the index for ages...

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