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is it me or does it feel like the sites quality is going into decline
I don't feel a change. unsure
Maybe the kind of threads we have been getting recently fall more on srs discussion side rather than goofy weeb threads, but you can easily change that yourself by making sum threads you want to see on /b/ if that's what bothers you
If it's something else, tell what's the issue
How so,OP?
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Heyuri was never a "high quality" website, even during "teh golden age" - it was a "fun on teh interwebz" website with a friendly/lighthearted atmosphere and a relatively high level of activity and OC output for its size

And in that regard, I think Heyuri has been pretty great lately - especially compared to the various dark ages we've been through over the past 2 years sweat2
just u
>Heyuri was never a "high quality" website, even during "teh golden age" - it was a "fun on teh interwebz" website with a friendly/lighthearted atmosphere and a relatively high level of activity and OC output for its size

61760-san is right.When I first discovered Heyuri I came with all these lam0r pretentions about making Heyuri a 'quality' site.I gradually realized that the only thing Heyuri is really trying to do is recapture the turn of the millenium internet experience--which means free-wheeling fun,without any pretentions about making a 'great' site. Do you think they were trying to make a 'quality' site back on 4chan in 2003? No! They were too busy having fun on teh internetz!!!biggrin

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