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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Would like to revive discussion on the SAGE! message.
It looks very aggressive angry
>2022/08/21(Sun)15:55 ID:HeavenNo.61720
Also whitespace.
File: will you age? or will you sage?.jpg
(17 KB, 1000x500) ImgOps
17 KB
I am aware of that issue, it's unintended side effect of an update that made posting a lot faster, I'll ask dev-san about it if it's not something I can fix by myself
sageing in a sage thread!
Heyuri: the place where inserting a space requires a developer
If only you knew about kokonotsuba...
I've messed around with enough archaic BBS scripts to know that there's no way it's much harder than opening the script in a text editor, searching for "No.", and putting some form of space character before the "N" as many times as needed

Hell, you could even just use CSS:
.postnum {
margin-left: 0.25em;

Maybe, but kokonotsuba is a very unique software that is centralized across multiple websites... Putting it superficially, I only have access to some of its arms, but not to its heart (the part I need to modify) due to some bug unrelated to me.

I didn't think of fixing it with CSS, but that would be only a temporal fix. That bug will probably get solved soon (if the word "soon" doesn't seem reliable, I will apply that CSS fix if it's not within 24 hours) anyways and I will then look into it more seriously then
>Maybe, but kokonotsuba is a very unique software that is centralized across multiple websites
>I only have access to some of its arms, but not to its heart
Thanks kuz closed-eyes
Kuz must protect his super secret futaba fork.
Super Secret Message Not For Kuz's Eyes:
Yeah it works and it has a kewl look, but not like anyone actually needs to steal it. They'd be better off just stealing the copyright notice on wakaba/tinyib/vichan and changing the design to look more like Heyuri.
Kaguya is admin he should get full control over everything imho then he could fix the missing space!!1!one!!!
Two types of sage options.
One email option displays the current red angry SAGE!
Other option sages like normal like this post, more polite sage.
Obviously poll is non-binding, but I think this is a good idea.

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