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Its annoying and none of these retarded vidlii newfags reads the ettiqute pages. We have no choice but to crack down
people would hate it if it were a bannable offense but i do agree it should be warning-worth
whats vidlii?
>whats vidlii?
A charitable organization that functions as an online daycare center for retarded children
just checked it out
im glad i literally never heard of it until this post
jesus fucking christ, learnt that it had fucking animal abuse on it, what the fuck
That's not a vidlii exclusive problem - there have been people for the past month or two posting monkey abuse videos all over the web, especially on 4chan (took me 5 seconds to find a thread currently up on /gif/: https://boards.4chan.org/gif/thread/23167945 )
or just make it impossible, i know it requires some PHP skillz but it's possible to make!
actually true
the code could check the lines on the person(s) ur replying to, then when u send a comment with a quote in it the code can check if it contains a line from who ur replying to, and if it doesnt it denies the request
theres probably a piece of code out there that make it so the quote doesnt have 2 be exact cuz we all maek typos
It's even easier than that. Just a quick regex for >>(postnumber) and checking if postnumber group matches the thread you're replying to's post number. If there's a match you return an error advising not to do that without submitting the post. Alternative solution would be to post anyways, but strip the OP quotelink out, but that could cause confusion if someone is also replying to someone else.

A place where you think you go to for anime lulz and click popular videos and now you're watching a mass shooting or nazi videos instead.
I think vidlii would be shittier if we didnt allow more "edgy" people on. It would just be a bunch of roblox kids posting their shitty edits. The downside of this being that sometimes we get really edgy people.
>A place where you think you go to for anime lulz and click popular videos and now you're watching a mass shooting or nazi videos instead
That's the reality of every "anything goes" site ever - they become uninhabitable dumping grounds for all the garbage that nobody else wants (whether it's extreme content or kids being their retarded, LOL-killing selves), and all things good and awesome are driven out

Internet communities are like flower gardens - you gotta remove the weeds to allow the desirable plants to grow, or else you'll end up with nothing but weeds dark
that was the most epic quote i have seen
Your thoughts are winner. It's sad that not a lot of people get this.
vidlii was still edgy as hell before you bought it idk what you mean

it only just got MORE edgy as hell with all the gore and shit
there were SOME roblox kids on bitview but they normally got bullied to shits
i agree :)

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