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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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File: wiki.jpg
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It's probably too late to change this now, but I would just like to say I hate that the wiki is using this touch screen-focused software with the floating toolbar following you down the page and hueg navigation boxes and images, I'm tired of seeing these designs and it doesn't suit Heyuri at all.
I don't know why anyone would choose this over the more classic Wikipedia-looking software, also made by MediaWiki, like what http://www.hrwiki.org/ uses
You can change your stylesheet in the user preferences, it has that theme already in there
That's good at least, but this should really be the default, most people aren't going to make an account and change the theme
you dont need an account for that
I don't know, I can't find the settings page unless I'm logged in, and if I go to the URL of the theme selection page when I'm logged out it just opens up the login page

Even if someone doesn't care enough about the layout to change the theme for themselves, having a wiki layout like that will still give them a bad image of Heyuri I think, especially if they don't know the theme can be changed at all
You can only switch themes with an account as far as I'm aware, but all 3 kinda suck in their own ways sweat2

I agree that the current default isn't very nice to use on desktop nor appropriate for Heyuri - MonoBook seems like the best choice for the "classic" wiki appearance, but it overrides certain CSS properties if you try to style preformatted text for example, so you can't get AA looking quite right (a relatively minor issue that nobody other than me will ever run into, but still!)

Vector doesn't suffer from that problem as much, but it has a similar interface issue to Timeless (the current default theme) where the sidebar is hidden until you press a ghey hamburger button, despite the fact Vector doesn't even properly support mobile viewports (yet MonoBook does!?). Plus it perma-hides the top left logo, which is teh lamez0rs

So yeah, I'd probably vote for MonoBook to be the default even though it's not perfect
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For those who don't have accounts, here's what each one looks like
Changed default skin to monobook.
It's what I've been using too nyaoo-closedeyes
>but it overrides certain CSS properties
I don't know what ur talking about, but we can override what it overrides if you explain
so monobook is how normal wikipedia looks like?
why when I go to the link I go to the homestar runner wiki
why when I go to the link I go to the homestar runner wiki
>why when I go to the link I go to the homestar runner wiki
Because you're clicking on the link to the Homestar Runner wiki in the OP instead of the link to Heyuri's wiki up in the top bar...

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