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from the list (>>61286)
>- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)
kaomoji = done on ayashii
As for emotes... I wouldn't mind more "joke" emotes like tehegg added in a special occasion or sage, but I want a uniformity when it comes to expression emotes like anger or sadness, and yotsuba is doing it great biggrin

Maybe (but only maybe) in the future, if we grow tired of yotsuba emotes, I may consider changing them to a similar set of emotes (at least as a trial) if they fit Heyuri.
i think mac tried to redesign the yotsubas into heyuritans once...
he made one as i remember.. then he just disappeared closed-eyes2
and why did i get scaT ID?
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"Moar emotes" doesn't necessarily have to be the typical happy/sad/angry faces - and NOTHING should EVAR replace the Yotsuba ones!! (I was against even the Heyuri-tan edit idea!) sweat

What I had in mind was more like having a variety of additional fun/cute pixel icons, like these:

Plus whatever Heyuri-related anime/character-themed stuff we can find
Everyone knows about the mona2, it's in the BBCode Reference...

Speaking of which - wasn't there some new(old) formatting options enabled recently? They weren't added to BBCode Reference unsure
Theres a new emote in celebration of international kuz day:

Also, kaguya will reformat the BBCode page to be cleaner and nicer in the future

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