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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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The Heyuri Historical Society is back! and on a better domain and with better software. HHS was previously a wiki which documented Heyuris history and culture but was poorly managed by a 3rd party and ultimately shut down. Now its back, but officially!

Its community editable, so we encourage everyone who knows a thing or two about the site to make and contribute to pages. Theres currently a known bug with the visual editor but we'll get to it soon.

You dont have to write about just Heyuri, as the HHS is also about BBS culture in general, feel free to write about your favorite japanese board or the history of strange world, its all welcome there!

Attached is a screenshot of the old pages on HHS, some of which have been remade already.

Some pages that should be worked on:
Kuz (admin conflict of interest)
Kaguya (admin conflict of interest)
Heyuri page (has an in progress history section)
Kokonotsuba (perhaps other heyuri software too?)
Perhaps a helpful links page, etc

Also in this thread we should discuss policy and tone. Should we set guidelines, or just let people write however? What tones should we encourage people to follow when writing? What should be considered off topic?

All this and more, on Heyuris FIRST official wiki and the return of the Historical Society.
can someone help me with the Template:Corner? wtf!
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>Also in this thread we should discuss policy and tone. Should we set guidelines, or just let people write however? What tones should we encourage people to follow when writing? What should be considered off topic?
I think it's best if we mostly stick to Heyuri's global rules, just reworded to be about wiki stuff instead of BBS stuff

There could be all kinds of additional rules about proper writing form, conflicts of interest, remaining neutral/unbiased, requiring citations/no conjecture, etc. but that's all a little Serious Business and lame nyaoo-closedeyes
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Check out the Template:Thisuser
in fact, theres lots of templates!

also i fixed a bug
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What is "specific Rule 8 breaking content" mentioned here?
Use the discussion pages guys
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Go to recent pages and TURN OFF GROUPING to get a list of updates that isnt confusing as hell to read
Should there be a custom CSS?

GUROchan's wiki's CSS for re-palette reference: https://wiki.guro.cx/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.css
Thx, that was confusing me dizzy

Only if it r0x my s0x and doesn't totally fuck up the non-default skins (I'm using MonoBook)
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LOL I don't want them that much!

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