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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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As promised, here's a collection of Heyuri archive links! biggrin

Oldbies will remember when I dumped sum of these b4, but there's quite a few made since then. And just in case the folks at archive.org stop being fags in the future, I'll leave the handful of archive.org links in tact

https://web.archive.org/web/20190218182755/https://heyuri.cf/ - 2019/02/18 home - The best home for your files
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181406/https://heyuri.cf/upload.php - 2019/02/18 upload - upload page
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181521/https://heyuri.cf/search.php - 2019/02/18 search - search page
https://web.archive.org/web/20191208174727/https://www.heyuri.cf/ - 2019/12/08 home - News (/g/ relisted as games)
--- OH FUCK NEW DOMAIN (2020/02/29) ---
https://web.archive.org/web/20200303080220/https://www.heyuri.net/ - 2020/03/03 home - News (domain changed)
https://archive.vn/KEFfH - 2020/05/01 /b/ - giant tomoposter thread
https://archive.vn/fre6B - 2020/05/20 /b/ - post No. 5
https://archive.vn/R9rsp - 2020/05/26 /b/ - post No. 11
--- 2020/06/06 OLDFAG/NEWFAG LINE ---
https://archive.vn/TdLLz - 2020/06/07 /b/ - oldfag date declared
https://archive.vn/48c3f - 2020/06/07 /h/ - pee drinking thread
https://archive.vn/fI8ip - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/1y40G - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1111GET (amateur ascii GET)
https://archive.vn/kUeJB - 2020/06/15 /b/ - /r9k/fag thread
https://archive.vn/LLcfU - 2020/06/15 /b/ - agent smith interrogates lolico
https://archive.vn/LvMA1 - 2020/06/17 home - News (DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS)
https://archive.vn/aMXW7 - 2020/06/17 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/zSb22 - 2020/06/19 /b/ - 2222GET (ascii cat GET)
https://archive.vn/7gQRX - 2020/06/21 home - News (Heyuri moves to kuz's homeserver)
https://archive.vn/wUbhj - 2020/06/22 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/jYjc0 - 2020/06/27 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/HiVJz - 2020/06/29 /b/ - 3000GET (boku desu GET)
https://archive.vn/DSuln - 2020/07/02 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/0x4Zn - 2020/07/02 home - FAQ page
https://archive.vn/Y4X3U - 2020/07/06 /b/ - 4000GET (WINRAR GET)
https://archive.vn/dxblp - 2020/07/08 home - Server info page (teh irony LOL)
https://archive.vn/jEfUs - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG SOME SHIT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE
https://archive.vn/6rWvO - 2020/07/10 ??? - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed
https://archive.vn/6hqUH - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG v2
https://archive.vn/D7WTE - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v3
https://archive.vn/lg9jn - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v4 + reopening announcement
https://archive.vn/O9P2n - 2020/07/11 home - BRB, WE BROKE
https://archive.vn/t3nWw - 2020/07/12 /z/ - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed v2
https://archive.vn/ssYaf - 2020/07/12 home - News (Not dead yet!)
https://archive.vn/jmTFy - 2020/07/13 home - News (Crash info, reflection, and future goals)
https://archive.vn/rdd2l - 2020/07/13 /b/ - 4444GET (desu 4evar GET)
https://archive.vn/cuPQC - 2020/07/14 /meta/ - heyuri-tan conception
https://archive.vn/ElX4Z - 2020/07/14 /b/ - heyuri-tan porn thread
https://archive.vn/BFbUT - 2020/07/14 /b/ - yuki-chan's introduction thread <3
https://archive.vn/m9qI5 - 2020/07/16 /meta/ - contest and banner announcement sticky
https://archive.vn/tN72A - 2020/07/17 /meta/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/iiyM5 - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 4999 FAIL
https://archive.vn/P8Hum - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 5000GET (u want moar GET)
https://archive.vn/Mo5cE - 2020/07/18 /b/ - HALFWAY THERE sticky
https://archive.vn/bFFmu - 2020/07/18 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/M1TMX - 2020/07/18 home - News (Contest announcement)
https://archive.vn/4n4Vc - 2020/07/18 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/VnbSv - 2020/07/19 /b/ - front page

(PART 1/?)
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https://archive.vn/bv0B2 - 2020/07/21 /meta/ - new sticky for banners and admin icon vote
https://archive.vn/SLW57 - 2020/07/21 /meta/ - 1111GET (TEH FIRST REAL GET IN ALL OF /META/!!! (it wasn't lol))
https://archive.vn/PF1Bl - 2020/07/21 home - News (Anonymous!R2zHXwZzFw wins teh Heyuri-tan contest!)
https://archive.vn/UfXFU - 2020/07/22 /b/ - heyuri screencap/archive thread
https://archive.vn/3Kv9o - 2020/07/22 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/d7fMh - 2020/07/22 /b/ - front page (Kuz hax pt1)
https://archive.vn/vueXw - 2020/07/22 /b/ - front page (Kuz hax pt2)
https://archive.vn/etaeY - 2020/07/22 /b/ - front page (Kuz apology!?)
https://archive.vn/TYYkP - 2020/07/22 /b/ - 5555GET (Im in japan right now GET)
https://archive.vn/XKY1I - 2020/07/23 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/oMxmB - 2020/07/23 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/TSM2V - 2020/07/25 /b/ - 6000GET (loli cake GET)
https://archive.vn/TsZ6b - 2020/07/25 /b/ - front page (Kuz hax AGAIN)
--- OH FUCK SITE REWRITE (2020/07/27) ---
(New boards added: /g/ - Guro/Scat, /jp/ - 日本語/Japan, /l/ - Lolikon, /o/ - Oekaki Art, /ascii/ - Text Art... still no /f/ yet ;_;)
https://archive.vn/HtVaQ - 2020/07/28 home - News (Rewrite info and "A Message" regarding Rule 8 from anon)
https://archive.vn/bX32y - 2020/07/28 /b/ - YUKI-CHAN DELIVARS HER 2 SMALL BOWLS!!!!111 (and mods are fags, more at 11)
https://archive.vn/itAQz - 2020/07/29 /b/ - 6666GET (Yukari WRYYYYYYYYYYY GET)
https://archive.vn/MVqwz - 2020/07/30 /a/ - Aishiteruze Baby ep 1 dump (I like corm.)
https://archive.vn/jGeY3 - 2020/07/26 /q/ - Thread about n00bs and tryhards (contains post 1405)
https://archive.vn/usfor - 2020/07/30 home - News (Hello newcomers)
https://archive.vn/4gpD9 - 2020/07/31 /b/ - front page (THREADS DISAPPEARED (and came back moments later))
https://archive.vn/lGTlM - 2020/08/02 home - News (major fuck - HOLY SPAM BATMAN)
https://archive.vn/uGHk6 - 2020/08/03 /b/ - 7000GET (Kuz pantsu GET, alternatively known as gayGET)
https://archive.vn/bsGkb - 2020/08/04 /all/ - Index (all fux'd up, also there was IP leak moments before but not captured here)
https://archive.vn/Asunx - 2020/08/06 home - News (Heyuri IMG contest)
https://archive.vn/dCOTK - 2020/08/07 home - News (HARD GAY)
https://archive.vn/beLN0 - 2020/08/07 home - Positions (available volunteer positions)
https://archive.vn/52wrW - 2020/08/09 /q/ - 2000GET (LOL internets GET)
https://archive.vn/jPZU5 - 2020/08/10 home - News (lolico graduates top of his class!!)
https://archive.vn/WzqHm - 2020/08/13 /b/ - 7777GET (Lucky jackpot GET)
https://archive.vn/fyQMn - 2020/08/13 /b/ - 7777GET (update)
https://archive.vn/iX6xL - 2020/08/14 /b/ - Loli foot pottery win
--- OH FUCK SITE DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE (2020/08/16 - 2020/08/18 with sporadic uptime) ---
https://archive.vn/jEG2G - 2020/08/18 home - News (site comes back online)
https://archive.vn/e4f3a - 2020/08/18 /b/ - 8000GET (uncanny valley kigurumi wife GET)
https://archive.vn/JX4HV - 2020/08/20 /q/ - /f/ is returning!!
https://archive.is/QLzxm - 2020/08/22 home - (down for maintenance but only lasted an hour or so)
https://archive.vn/yX9Nj - 2020/08/22 /b/ - yuki-chan thread (contains teh faganon OC)
https://archive.vn/mxU5M - 2020/08/23 home - News (TEXTBOARDS!! got a refresh + new boards: /lounge/, /haiku/, /world/, /code/, /sjis/)
https://archive.vn/VSwRZ - 2020/08/24 /b/ - Kuz is fired!? (textboards got spammed to oblivion with thousands of posts, they got relaunched with just /lounge/, /prog/, /ascii/)
https://archive.vn/xhxFi - 2020/08/24 /b/ - KUZ IS MAD ABOUT HIS TEXTBOARDS BEING DELETED!!! (also everything is blue now LOLWTF???)
https://archive.vn/blSXD - 2020/08/24 /b/ - front page (I'M BLUE DA BA DEE)
https://archive.vn/vEPK9 - 2020/08/27 /q/ - Kuz retirement ;_;
https://archive.vn/UUcav - 2020/08/27 /q/ - Kuz retirement ;_; but after some more posts were made
https://archive.vn/LtMvs - 2020/08/27 home - Contact
https://archive.vn/abzf9 - 2020/08/27 /q/ - lolico Q&A (emphasis on Q, deemphasis on A)
https://archive.vn/vCt9D - 2020/08/27 /q/ - lolico Q&A (Kuz responds!)
https://archive.vn/q88Mk - 2020/08/27 home - News (Kuz is gone ;_;)
https://archive.vn/Aku0k - 2020/08/28 home - Rules

(PART 2/?)
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https://archive.vn/wLPsU - 2020/09/03 "truth" - lolico's side of teh drama
https://archive.vn/3cXfu - 2020/09/03 /b/ - yuki-chan leaves Heyuri ;_;
https://archive.vn/1uKLi - 2020/09/06 home - HEYURI GOT OMEGA HAX'D ;_;
https://archive.vn/xxC9E - 2020/09/06 home - 404 Not Found, Heyuri appears to be deleted ;_;
--- OH FUCK KUZ IS REVIVING HEYURI (2020/09/09) ---
https://archive.vn/5bb2w - 2020/09/09 heyuri.cf home - heyuri is coming back!!!!
https://archive.vn/97xuJ - 2020/09/09 bbs.kolyma.jp home - News? (ROUGH AND TUMBLE)
https://archive.vn/qvoBt - 2020/09/09 bbs.kolyma.jp /b/ - front page (first signs of life!!)
https://archive.vn/Y2lko - 2020/09/10 bbs.kolyma.jp /b/ - front page (heyuri's stalker/ex-girlfriend Akima shows up to poop on teh party)
https://archive.vn/g4Odm - 2020/09/12 kolyma.jp/news - News (Heyuri development update)
--- OH FUCK KUZ REBUILT HEYURI (2020/09/16) ---
https://archive.vn/wLg92 - 2020/09/16 home - News (THE GREAT RESTART)
https://archive.vn/j45KZ - 2020/09/16 home - News (same as above with frames)
https://archive.vn/iiuNX - 2020/09/16 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/7mgGd - 2020/09/17 home - News (REQUESTS, also front page redesign)
https://archive.vn/bFowC - 2020/09/17 home - News (same as above with frames)
https://archive.vn/krGDp - 2020/09/17 home - News (WELCOME BACK, official site opening date)
https://archive.vn/i6iym - 2020/09/17 home - News (same as above with frames)
https://archive.vn/n185C - 2020/09/19 kjpcircle - Stay in touch with your KolymaNET friends!
https://archive.vn/xh6Dc - 2020/09/19 bbs.kolyma.jp - News (Underfunded, Understaffed - kuz pulled plug due to spam unless a proper development team can be formed)
https://archive.vn/vL7Jz - 2020/09/19 bbs.kolyma.jp - News (NEWS!!, several people have offered to help but could take weeks/months)
https://archive.vn/cu8a3 - 2020/09/19 bbs.kolyma.jp - News (TL;DR - DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS)
https://archive.vn/61AlR - 2020/09/20 bbs.kolyma.jp - News (sleepy NEET is sleepy)
https://archive.vn/cyZi8 - 2020/09/24 www.heyuri.net - Long live Heyuri! (lolico plans to restart heyuri.net in the not-so-near future :o)
https://archive.vn/Eyu9y - 2020/10/02 kolyma.jp/news/main.htm - Kuz News Navigator 0_0
https://archive.vn/pa4M8 - 2020/10/08 may.strawberryheaven.net/mil/index.html - Last archive showing all the boards
https://archive.vn/26WhQ - 2020/10/08 sys.kolyma.jp/brv.htm - Board viewer showing all old boards except the hentai boards
https://archive.vn/V2IrI - 2020/10/18 img.strawberryheaven.net/b/ - Strawberry Heaven showing old Heyuri threads!!

https://archive.vn/kSjPB - 2020/11/07 www.heyuri.net - Estimated time: TBD (Possibly >1year)

https://archive.vn/WEk0p - 2020/11/25 www.heyuri.net - BREAKING: KUZ AND LOLIKO SPOTTED FLIRTING AT FANCY RESTERAUNT!

https://archive.vn/MPBvn - 2020/12/02 /b/ - 8000GET (2nd edition, wahaGET)
--- OH FUCK LOLICO GAVE KUZ THE KEYS 2 HEYURI AND IT CAME BACK ONLINE --- (it officially opened on 2020/12/04, but everything except the front page was up and running for at least 2 days prior to that)
https://archive.vn/vNOUs - 2020/12/04 /b/ - 8000GET (3rd edition, NF's :) GET)

https://archive.vn/LPk5j - 2021/01/01 /b/ - front page (HAPPY NEW YEARS CSS hack)
Minus one instance of spam from some Patchouli-fag, and wormhole-kun completely obliterating /a/, things were relatively calm and quiet during Heyuri's first month back.
--- OH FUCK /a/, /c/, AND /h/ WERE COMBINED INTO /amh/ (2021/01/04) ---
https://archive.vn/wCYIB - 2021/01/06 /b/ - 8888GET (fgsfds desu GET)
https://archive.vn/CFZGG - 2021/01/09 home - News (new logo)
https://archive.vn/LMLEW - 2021/01/13 /b/ - 9000GET (LOL INTERNET GET)
https://archive.vn/tYzBI - 2021/01/13 /b/ - 9001GET (IT'S OVER 9000!!!!! GET)
https://archive.vn/9rR2Y - 2021/01/19 home - News (Upcoming changes)
https://archive.vn/liV3G - 2021/01/19 /z/ - 3D Heyuri-tan

(PART 3/?)
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https://archive.vn/WP4OD - 2021/01/11 blog.kuz.lol/memos/ - Upgrades to FHP

https://archive.vn/2x7Gh - 2021/01/28 blog.kuz.lol/memos/ - Kokonotsuba Development is officially underway
https://archive.vn/z62PL - 2021/02/02 /b/ - CSS hax (Is no gream as same as daed?)

https://archive.vn/dccWR - 2021/03/28 /b/ - 10000GET (another shitty DESU GET)

https://archive.vn/7q2JP - 2021/04/26 /b/ - 11000GET (HTML tag FAIL GET)
https://archive.vn/Khh7W - 2021/05/02 /b/ - 11111GET (Konata fap GET)

https://archive.vn/TqbSR - 2021/05/14 /q/ - The Last Imageboard... ;_;
https://archive.vn/30CiN - 2021/05/31 /vote/ - Heyuri demographic survey 2021-05

https://archive.vn/C3X0J - 2021/07/08 home - News (DE-KOLYMA-IZATION + IM SORRY)
https://archive.vn/ufoPU - 2021/07/10 /b/ - 12000GET (wet cat food failGET)
https://archive.vn/GMx2J - 2021/07/10 kuz.fka.cx/blog/ - Thawing KolymaNET
https://archive.vn/mBIwS - 2021/07/16 /b/ - Anonymous fixes teh loli

https://archive.vn/9LgMj - 2021/08/17 /b/ - 13000GET (Heyuri gikopoi request GET)
https://archive.vn/hN6dC - 2021/08/26 /b/ - Love is in the air... (/dating/ board added to Heyuri, uses 2shotchat script)
https://archive.ph/eOAZa - 2021/08/26 /dating/ - Internet sex0rz!!
https://archive.vn/7CxfB - 2021/08/31 /b/ - THE TRUE STORY OF 1-SAN

https://archive.ph/AKpqP - 2021/10/03 /b/ - front page (Modhax and GET fuckery, 14002 Bridget massacre ;_;7)
https://archive.vn/fWmBi - 2021/10/03 /b/ - "15000GET" (Modhax numberfudging lesbian GET - 14000 was allegedly botspam)

https://archive.ph/GrX4t - 2021/11/26 /lounge/ - hidden rules of Heyuri thread
https://archive.vn/8aJjU - 2021/11/29 /b/ - 16000GET (accidental Kaorin GET)

https://archive.ph/a2qh4 - 2021/12/24 /b/ - front page (Tama-chan christmas CSS hax)

https://archive.vn/kaFyx - 2022/01/26 /b/ - Teh partybus returns!!!11!1
https://archive.vn/mNtk8 - 2022/01/28 /b/ - Dear diary, today I archived an epic thread

https://archive.vn/REPOW - 2022/02/20 /b/ - Dumping all Heyuri stuffz pt 2 (August 2020 to Jan 1st 2021)
https://archive.ph/mrIUz - 2022/03/07 /b/ - "What if anime had realistic faces?" thread
https://archive.vn/uM4zu - 2022/03/19 /b/ - 18000GET (BEWBS GET)
https://archive.ph/E8g7r - 2022/04/01 /b/ - front page (Heyuri-tan dreaming thread gets a sticky)
https://archive.ph/2nyq3 - 2022/04/01 /b/ - Heyuri-tan dreaming thread
https://archive.ph/ZIS5v - 2022/04/17 /b/ - Easter egg hunt part 1
https://archive.ph/Gt0xW - 2022/04/17 /b/ - Easter egg hunt part 2
https://archive.ph/lW8f8 - 2022/04/25 /b/ - front page (kuz resigns sticky ;_;)
https://archive.ph/ITGvo - 2022/04/25 /q/ - front page (the other kuz resigns sticky ;_;)
https://archive.ph/ANXPG - 2022/04/25 /q/ - kuz resignation sticky ;_; (has a couple of replies)
https://archive.ph/anEML - 2022/04/26 home - News (Out with the old, in with the new)
https://archive.ph/vuPH9 - 2022/04/27 /q/ - front page (kaguya Q&A sticky now exists)
https://archive.ph/xhqFb - 2022/04/27 /q/ - kuz resignation sticky (moar replies)
https://archive.ph/3UE42 - 2022/04/27 /q/ - kaguya Q&A sticky
https://archive.ph/RivUZ - 2022/04/29 home - News (b0rked!!!1)
https://archive.ph/JDmvc - 2022/04/30 home - News (Is this thing on? + old news posts restored!)
https://archive.ph/9quJY - 2022/05/01 /b/ - front page (golden week CSS!)
https://archive.ph/AW8qT - 2022/05/01 /b/ - Golden Week thread (with golden week CSS)

(PART 4/4)
fin. smile
yukichan... why didnt she kill herself?

or did she..
Because she found Heyuri!

...she hasn't posted for a long time now though dark
> 61330
im afraid of sexual harassments
i made them okay
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ZOMG yuki-chan!!!1 astonish

Do not worry about the sekuharas anymore - for Heyuri's tastes, u r now TOO OLD!
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pic i took of the heyuri off-topic board after it had been spammed with tomos on 2020/08/26
a lot of this stuff is new to me and i thought i had seen much of heyuri from 2020 and 2021
btw where did lolico originally post about heyuri?
someone should download these all and put them in an archive
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>btw where did lolico originally post about heyuri?
4chan's /g/ - it was a booru-like site back then though:

BTW in case anyone doesn't realize, some of the archived pages have multiple snapshots, and you can click the history/next/prev links below the search box to go through them

For example, https://archive.ph/7CxfB is a snapshot made shortly after OP had finished posting, but there's another that was made after a few replies had come in
>4chan's /g/
An ignoble beginning.
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>https://archive.ph/a2qh4 - 2021/12/24 /b/ - front page (Tama-chan christmas CSS hax)
Does anyone have an archive of the
"opinions on breakcore" thread from b
27762 ???
Hrmm, I can see some of it on the archive here:

But you can't really enter the thread cry
I warned you to archive anything on Heyuri you wanted to keep!!!
I had the thread open in a tab because I wanted to archive it but I have so many tabs open I FORGOT!!!!

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