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Did Kaguya just do this manually? I was able to archive just fine yesterday.huh
wtf? this is terrible, imagine whats been lost. i hope someone archived the archives of the archives that we archived to archive the archives...
>Did Kaguya just do this manually?
No WTF O_o

I will contact them and request them to undo it. We suspect it's probably because of some butthurt fag reporting our precious lolis
Thank you, I don't really know how it works but I've heared of cases of admins excluding their sites and since we're so small so that's the first conclusion I had.
Heyuri: officially in the same league as 4chan and AnonIB - and they said it couldn't be done! biggrin

But seriously, WTF. Not even 7chan or 8chan are excluded from failback machine, and we're less than 1% as infamous as those - this reeks of personal vendetta sweat3
Didn't moot personally exclude 4chan.org because he didn't like permanent archival? Don't quote me on that though.
I don't remember if he ever gave a reason, but 4chan's robots.txt has explicitly blocked IA since forevar

If his reason was more ideological (doubt it lol), I don't recall him ever clamping down on 4chanarchive and other vote-based archives during those years - the constant vote/archive begging in every single thread was pretty annoying sweat2
While we're waiting, has anybody ever seen what happens when a website gets unexcluded? Are all the snapshots kept during the exclusion and get brought back or are they gone? Do they get deleted after a certain amount of time passed?unsure
Any luck?
I think some of the cp spam ended up in one of the archives. There are fed bots that go out and scan the internet for cp and send notices to the host. SauceNAO had to deal with one that actually uploaded cp then reported him to the host for it. It's strange though because 34chan.net had been on there since 2007 and their archives had a lot of cp in it. I got it excluded, there was no historical value in it anyways.
Best to stick to archive.today for chan archives, at lest they don't nuke an entire domain just because one snapshot had illegal content in it.
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>their archives had a lot of cp in it. I got it excluded, there was no historical value in it anyways.
d00d WTF
the whole concept of pixels that it is illegal to even host is fucking retarded and I hope america collapses so people stop enforcing it
You didn't even know that place existed until I told you.
Kinda reminds me of the "bits are not a bug" manifesto by aaron swartz. https://archive.ph/d4NPt
That's the problem!
If America collapses we will all be dead retard.

I only found it from digging through old.sage.moe. Seemed like it was only used as a cp dumping ground and then destroyed. Kinda like 420chan.net, except even less notable than that board.

>pixels that it is illegal to even host

Pixels that form a pr0n image that we fap to.
>Pixels that form a pr0n image that we fap to.
What is this place? Patchchan? Patch is that you?
Please do NOT summon that crowd here - and no, you can tell Heyuri isn't one of those sites because it isn't a generic lynxchan / jschan instance that gets spammed everywhere evar and then shut down after 2 weeks xd
Don't suggest fapping to actual illegal shit like they do then
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Welcome to internet: we may not be all pedos, but hardly anyone here gives any fuck about that "illegal shit" here wink
I can see it now.... "Court & Penitentiary@Heyuri"
kaguya, pls consider bringing back /l/ nyaoo
Not bringing /l/ back to Heyuri, but maybe https://loli3.net/l/ could be linked with Heyuri since we share the same admin
It was, remember they had a time where people unironically thought Shii had good ideas.

t. Remembers the original 4chan blog
The Internet Archive also excludes archiving of some right wing political and information/statistics/news sites. For example, IA refuses to archive American Renaissance (amren) website.


The internet Archive plugin has also been deceptive some times. It would say that the submitted entry was archived, but upon checking to see the archive page, IA would say the site is not allowed to be archived.
It's been a while.... is it impossible to restore at this point?
I doubt they outright deleted it, just made it unavailable
the only time i was ever reported on twitter was when i called out grinder greg johnson for being a homo loool
z0ne (hentai flash guy) has wayback machine disabled for his site zone-archive
i think it was to protect private information
zone is a real 3d girl allegedly

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