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  • Allowed file types are: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WEBM, MP4
  • Maximum file size allowed is 9000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200 * 200 pixels will be thumbnailed.

  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Test to see if transparent parts of pictures work right
It shouldn't be hard for our possibly non-existent dev-kun to set a default background color for transparent PNGs when they're converted to JPG thumbnails (I've done it myself before with other Futaba-based scripts), but there would need to be some extra code added to change the color based on whether it's a new post or a reply, and that's a little more involved
alternatively, the previews could be GIFs instead of of JPEGs, and they could just be 32 colors to save bandwidth, and that way they could retain their transparency
why wouldnt they just be pngs
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Experts have been working on this for a long time, but it's proving difficult. Getting PNG thumbnails to fit inside the tubes was bad enough, but now they've got to make them go around the bends
Imagine an entire Heyuri page worth of PNGs loading in all at once; approximately 30 images
Those things aren't small! for example, the thumbnail for this image >>61126 is about 6 kb, but as a .png it would be 53 kb!
53kb times 30 is 1.55 mb, which would about 4 minutes to load on dial-up, compared to just 24 seconds with JPGs! and that's not even mentioning how long an image dump thread with hundreds of images would take to load! I could barely imagine!
What I meant was why couldn't the thumbnails of png images be png type files and the thumbnails of jpgs be jpg type files
That is exactly how it used to work on the old Heyuri script (and GIF thumbnails were in GIF format), but Kokonotsuba is... well, let's just say that it lacks many of the small niceties that were previously provided sweat2
Testing crosslink
Say what you want about the lack of QOL koko has but it is faster than whatever lolico was using mona2
True, but let’s not ignore the fact that we don’t have kokonotsuba enabled with INFINITE PAGEz like older softwares, which was the main reason of the slowness sweat2
Is there still a developer working for heyuri?
The dev has been missing suddenly since the war. So no, no progress has been made for months.
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testing transparent thumbnails...?
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testing at a lower resolution gif?
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Maybe this time?
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hm, whatz that paleness? Not that I mind but testing with moar files
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Seems like it was unique to that file, but let me test with more kinds of images to make sure everything is working in order
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We are working on getting thumbnails to work best in terms of size and quality. We are trying to make so only transparent PNG files will have .png thumbnails

I say we but it's actually all being done by one developer - bobman, so express your thanks to him
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Thx bobman-san, u rock biggrin
Testing lack of kolyma jump on new links

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