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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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As I plan to soon fix vidlii and put up Heyuri ads on the site, do you think we should make some changes to Heyuri?

We will experience an influx of users, and judging by my browsing, the site has dozens of users who I can see fitting in just perfectly.

Should there be a rare /b/ sticky welcoming and explaining heyuri to them? Or should they just come to us in our natural state?
Absolutely have a page explaining what Heyuri is for new users, and actually don't even make it limited to this one instance where new people are coming in. Maybe like, make it the page you see when coming to the website for the first time. And have this but in biiiiig ol' letters, especially if THAT side of VidLii is coming over too:

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DOZENS!?!?1!/ sweat

As long as they know Heyuri is not 4chan nor a crappy "dank memes" website, and we have b&hammers standing by to apply n00b correction measures, it should be fine
Hopefully they dont react like they did when they say 9channel... https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=f5eYA4reaqY#t=274
I hope they do, I LOL'd
Congratulations you have doomed your website to go downhill. Why did you even bother saving Vidlii? its shit on top of that the only people that will come here are fucking normies and 12 year olds good job retard.
"Heyuri: it's uphill!" - faganon 2022

I wasn't implying it was uphill it has never been good i am saying any quality it does have will be completely gone once you bring in the normies and edgy 12 year old boys. How can you expect them to follow RULE FUCKING 8 when all they know is trendy/popular memes? if anything this just screams desperate for traffic.
"Heyuri: it has quality and I want to save it!" - faganon 2022

So... you want it to go the way of 4chan? Also Kuz is gonna have fun getting cancelled by the normies once they discover who he is lol.
how are you going to cancel a russian guy who doesn't care or haz anything to lose?
Look, it doesn't happen often, but this time I think faganon is right - we need to have a serious discussion and come up with a backup plan for when (not if) all 20 active vidlii users discover that kuz is not in fact single, nor ready to mingle

Look i don't like Kuz as a person but while i do respect Kuzes attempt to remove all aids from the internet you gotta realize it isn't 1998 2001 or 2007 anymore the internet is very different today from how it was in the 90s and 2000s and removing all aids from the internet is pretty much impossible at this point because that would require taking down the biggest social media platforms like Facebook Reddit YouTube TikTok and so on which you cannot do because they have a monopoly. Basically what i am saying is that this shit is a lost cause also i am not going to cancel Kuz but the normies on vidlii may just do so once they find out the site is now being ran by a 4chan user and a guy who used to run a cp website of some kind lol.
marry me faganon
he's mine
i don't disagree with ads on vidlii, but i wonder more about their reaction and reception to this site. heyuri already has a negative stigma so it's already kinda iffy. i see it as this: it's a risky move, and could have some good benefits to the site if gone well. but if gone wrong, the site isn't necessarily doomed, just pulled deeper into the hole we're already in. i think we should try it out because the benefits outweigh the detriments, atleast in my eyes. as for changes on heyuri, i only say make it more newfag friendly (in a sense of getting into the culture of the site, not catering to them lole) i think another thing the users on the site can do is show the newbies the way.
agreed, the rules should be explicitly stated in a place everyone can see, but not in a manner that's gonna scare off everyone mona2
i'm slow
You don't even need it, I just found this site for the fist time via someone else's links page on their website that was linked on their vidlii channel.
whose profile?
A channel named 'prints' has a website linked I checked it out and it's really cool. The links page on the site has a lot of decent stuff, some of which I'm familiar with already, but also had a link to Heyuri which I've never heard of till now but seems pretty cool.
login, sign in and email recovery do not work like at all thanks to kaptcha, and i tried recover an old account only to say it doesn't exist when the user page is still there
>As I plan to soon fix vidlii and put up Heyuri ads on the site
>put up Heyuri ads on the site
No, showing kids and 12 years olds a site that has anime cp in there /b/ is bad idea
KAPTCHA being broke now is dynadot DNS's fault xp
There are some other issues with email recovery as far as I know, related to mail server.
/b/ has anime cp, so we should clean it if you wanna invite them to heyuri. It might also ruin heyuri.
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Getting rid of lolis is what would ruin Heyuri!!1!1

This may not be something for me to decide alone, but my personal opinion is that users who would get scared of lolis and leave don't belong here in the first place.
I've browsed a lot of Internet, and I can say with confidence that >>61120 is the most correct post on it

Let us not purge ourselves of delicious anime cheese pizza, but instead masturbate furiously
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loli for life
If the rules are enforced I don't see why not
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Pedophiles are made, not an occurance.
Don't quote the op's post!
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Not even all users who are already here respect the board's culture. Influx of outsiders would be catastrophal.

Don't do it kuz!
Don't apply new trends to old threads!!! angry
I'm Fearing!

So are gay people LOL. Pedos are good people.
what the hell I thought this was a new thread
We should bump this thread on 2023/02/07 2 fool teh n00bs

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