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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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That the server move is complete and kuz is working on fixing software-level stuff, I will try fixing more minor stuff. I am going to post what changes I am doing ITT, and feel free to tell me if I am missing any.

Let's polish Heyuri together wink
- Until kuz fixes posting at https://img.heyuri.net/sw/, /sw/ at top links changed to ayashii.net (this was surprisingly a complicated thing to do)
- top links and favicon added to /vote/
- I couldn't successfully change top links on /o/ for some reason, but I will upgrade its software soon anyways (from https://github.com/satopian/poti-kaini-EN/)
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Nice work kaguya-san
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fixed frames!! biggrin :
- Renamed it from frames.php to frames.html
- It doesn't open boards in a new tab anymore
- Fixed (mostly rewrote to look similar) its style
- Removed broken boards like /all/ and /f/ (and "upload board" section, as only /f/ was under it)
- Added /sw/ (again, as ayashii.net for now) under misc
- I am not removing HHS, as I hope kuz will fix it soon
- Updated link to frames on home page (so it's .html)

- Regrettable, but I couldn't figure out how to highlight boards on hover like it used to. It probably has something to do with a:hover

THX! xd
If you want the frames menu to look exactly how it did before:

.headline {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;

.postblock {
background-color: #eeaa88;
margin: 0;

a:hover {
color: #dd0000 !important;

ul a:hover {
background-color: #ffeecc;
>- Regrettable, but I couldn't figure out how to highlight boards on hover like it used to. It probably has something to do with a:hover
NVM I was overlooking something very trivial, fixed nao

Also changed "Image Boards" to Imageboards and moved /q/ under /b/ (so it's consistent with top navigation) on frames
O THX, you posted just two minutes before I did. I am putting this nao biggrin
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>Until kuz fixes posting at https://img.heyuri.net/sw/, /sw/ at top links changed to ayashii.net
it still links to https://img.heyuri.net/sw/ on the homepage(heyuri.net) and on /o/
Nice catch!
Fixed it on homepage
>and on /o/
I previously couldn't do it for some reason(I wrote it at the post you quoted...) but it's fixed now ^_^
>> SWF Embed
I can feel it... Heyuri is healing...
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I edited the Japanese page a little: https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?view=japanese

I am not very confident in my Japanese so can't promise if it doesn't sound any unnatural. I fixed kuz's mail (it was linking his old mail), added mine (becuz i can japanese) and made the word "rules" linking with the rules page while telling they can use translators to post on Heyuri if they can't speak English (I doubt a Japanese person could easily break R8 anyways)

Will any Japanese person actually come and read that page? Haruhi knows mona2


Rules updated:
- Old boards' rules are removed
- Slightly modified Rule 4's example since we don't have /amh/ anymore
- /vote/ and /sw/ rules(just little explanations until kuz wishes to edit them) added under new "Other" category
- Rule 2 changed: don't break Russian Federation's laws (i.e. don't upload CP and we should probably be fine)
- Few typos fixed

I would want make few modifications to Rule 6 (to slightly allow political discussions on imageboards) and RULE FUCKING 8 (updating buzzwords like anon told on Ayashii the other day, or quoting term "shitposting", we discussed that term itself brakes R8 before). Also /q/ has a rule about not reporting bugs with a new thread and use the existing bug reporting thread instead, that thread doesn't even exist anymore...

But such decisions aren't up to me xp
I think first we should look at how they were before kuz "pulled a kuz" and changed them without asking anyone sweat2:

Some things of note regarding the old rules:
- generally simpler and less Serious Business/legalese
- lack of "j00 spam us, we spam j00!!1" bordwarz crap, just a simple "You will not spam or flood the boards. Period."
- the site abiding by US law instead of Russian law (is Heyuri even hosted in Russia? I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but Russian law and the distribution of 2D loli pr0n don't exactly mix... https://takiedela.ru/news/2019/12/01/mishel/ )
- the politics rule is rule 7 instead of 6, and it says "Political discussion is allowed, but do not overdo it, and do not make stupid threads talking about how much you hate [x] race, etc."

Also of note is that you can see that the style switcher applied to the home/static pages in addition to the boards - this was a neat touch and made the site more consistent with itself

I think it's mostly fine as it is, but maybe the "shitposting" line could be changed to something like "Posts intended to annoy or enrage other users without even having the decency to provide LOLs"

>Also /q/ has a rule about not reporting bugs with a new thread and use the existing bug reporting thread instead, that thread doesn't even exist anymore...
I don't know who the hell came up with that "bug report general" idea, but I declare it st00pid and lame! Good riddance to that thread!
I could have sworn it was lolico who made that "we spam you" rule...
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I got teh permission from kuz to change rules, so let's begin de gozaimasu! nyaoo

>just a simple "You will not spam or flood the boards. Period."
Reverted back to this

>- the site abiding by US law instead of Russian law (is Heyuri even hosted in Russia? I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but Russian law and the distribution of 2D loli pr0n don't exactly mix... https://takiedela.ru/news/2019/12/01/mishel/ )
I am not 100% sure, but it seems to be there just for formality. The same rule is on GUROchan too, so don't worry about 2D lolis
I added a small explanation under that rule for now. I will later discuss this part with kuz

>- Added "link to" to Rule 4. >the politics rule is rule 7 instead of 6
Reverted the order back

Also I feel like
>do not make stupid threads talking about how much you hate [x] race, etc."
is covered under
>Posts intended to annoy or enrage other users without even having the decency to provide LOLs
which I replaced "shitposting" line at R8 with a little word changes, so I changed rule 7 a bit too. Tell me what u think (anon I am replying will probably reply in any case, but I want opinions of other users too)

>Also of note is that you can see that the style switcher applied to the home/static pages in addition to the boards - this was a neat touch and made the site more consistent with itself
It was neat, same thing was on the frames as well. But I don't know how to do it, and it doesn't help those static pages are mostly based on PHP which I don't understand how exactly it's working, it's a legacy from the first admin lolico
I will try looking more into it later

>I don't know who the hell came up with that "bug report general" idea, but I declare it st00pid and lame! Good riddance to that thread!
I got rid of that part, and slightly modified /q/'s rules. I fixed "Do not post non meta topics outside of here!" too, you can safely post non-meta topics on /b/ now sweat2

I am still not completely satisfied, some of the rules feel like they were slured over... I may modify rules further in another thread in the future.

And finally, I added some of my personal flavor created a new rule... Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Rule 10! Thou shalt obey the netiquette now.

But I don't like the current netiquette. It's outdated (still mentions /code/ WTF) and has some points I disagree with (such as not using sage to reply threads you don't like... But that's half of the reason that feature exists for me!)

Since I got permission to modify rules, and I made netiquette part of the rules, I guess this technically grants me permission to fix the netiquette as well now smile
I edited the tips under Heyuri-tan's razor... I wonder if my changes were a little too radical unsure

It was like this before: https://web.archive.org/web/20220112112726/https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=tips
The thing about the "netiquette"/tips page is... it's another one of those things that kuz wrote and implemented of his own accord without asking anyone else's opinion sweat2

For those not aware (or who simply forgot), the upper "TOP TIPS" half of that page was written and implemented by kuz as little more than a joke or a bit of fun during July 2020 - a time when Heyuri's activity was thriving and the culture was strong, but there was a growing power struggle between kuz and lolico lurking behind-the-scenes (exacerbated by kuz frequently "going rogue" and implementing/changing things without discussing them with lolico or the userbase, LOL)

Here's the earliest archive of the tips page in its original state - note the "These arent rules, nor guidelines, just some helpful advice for you to read before posting." part, and how not Serious Business it is:
https://web.archive.org/web/20200815190308/https://www.heyuri.net/tips/ )

The lower "How to use Heyuri (for dummies)" half however was implemented by kuz some time in Q1 2021. This was long after lolico-Heyuri's death and kuz-Heyuri's relaunch, at a time when Heyuri's activity was at its lowest evar and during what you could dub the "Kolyma takeover" era. That's why it's more Serious Business in tone, and even further departed from what Heyuri's culture actually is/was/should be

Here's the earliest archive of the modified/extended tips page - note the removal of the "These aren't rules" line:

I don't personally think Heyuri's culture should be micromanaged to this extent, and half the things written on that page I would consider debatable, controversial, or in downright opposition to the culture that existed here during the lolico+kuz "golden age" and has recently resurfaced

The only reason I didn't protest it more back when it was first implemented was the fact that it clearly stated that it wasn't part of the rules - but if it is now part of the rules, I protest it!
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/o/ got b0rked thanks to a folder permission I didn't have causing update to be left half finished ;_;
I have backup of databases so you don't need to worry, but I will wait for kuz to wake up and check my permissions before trying to fix it

I don't understand what about it you are protesting. The rule I added is telling only points under Heyuri-tan's razor is enforced, which I modified after kuz. I could understand wanting rules not to explicitly written in such manner. That's how I approach too actually, but kuz doesn't want us to be subjective while enforcing rules - I wouldn't be able to enforce much of the rules you want to see getting enforced if I didn't write them out officially. It hasn't been very long since I discussed with kuz about this sweat3
My point was "There isn't a 10 page of rules defining what exactly is allowed and what is not", and his was "there should be" and "you have to be objective"

>half the things written on that page I would consider debatable, or in downright opposition to the culture
Half of the things written there are still "suggestions", I carefully worded which are rules we could enforce and which aren't. But I wonder which ones you are considering "downright opposition to the culture", I wouldn't want to make such a mistake. I will write what I was thinking:

>Do not link to the OP post when replying to the OP post.
I was privately warning users for this long before this was written down. I don't think anyone is against this here

>Feel free to use "sage" as a downvote, although you should primarily use it when you don't contribute to thread or replying to a point made on another post.
First half is the exact opposite of forcing and what was written before. Second half, I used "should" because it wouldn't be forced.

>You are highly encouraged to create new threads instead of "chatting" in one thread.
>You can reply to older threads sitting in the backlog archive, but note that they won't get bumped. Consider creating a new thread to reply them if you think it's important
These aren't forced either, but I don't see anything wrong here. It's encouraged to create new threads

>Do not use nu-4chan words/phrases such as "based", "cringe", "cunny", "fam" etc, or don't shorten words with an apostrophe like "'yuri" instead of "heyuri".
This one is enforced. A post on ayashii inspired me to add this, but this hasn't even been any issue to us so far

>Do not misuse the quoting feature: don't write "greentext" stories or quote something the user you are replying didn't directly tell. You may use it to quote texts from outer sites too.
This one is also enforced, but it's not very hard to not break this rule anyways. I don't think you are against this one?

>Prettify your posts with emotes as you see appropriate.
Yes, a lot of users forget they exist. But this is just a suggestion as well, hence I wrote "as you see appropriate" and not "as I would see appropriate"

>If you need to upload large files or need to share images on textboards, use this site(2ちゃん). Feel free dump images on imageboards.
There isn't anything wrong with image dumping. But to not sound too strict, I will change this to "you can use this site" to allow users use other services too.
kaguya is the queen of heyuri!
>>- the site abiding by US law instead of Russian law (is Heyuri even hosted in Russia? I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but Russian law and the distribution of 2D loli pr0n don't exactly mix... https://takiedela.ru/news/2019/12/01/mishel/ )
>I am not 100% sure, but it seems to be there just for formality. The same rule is on GUROchan too, so don't worry about 2D lolis
>I added a small explanation under that rule for now. I will later discuss this part with kuz
I discussed and changed that rule. It seems Heyuri is hosted in Atlantis now, so don't break the penal code of Atlantis xd
The updated tips page didn't exist when I started writing my post, so I was exclusively referring to the kuz versions sweat2

Whether I agree with the things written on the tips page or not (and it's certainly more agreeable now than before), I don't agree that it's a good idea to host a completely serious, not-even-funny, and totally out of character list of 9001 different rules and guidelines for every little minor annoyance and pet peeve that the staff or the users have ever had, even if it includes things I myself have brought up in the past - this is why I had a problem with such a page in the first place!

I think it's far better to keep the rules as minimal and non-specific as possible, and for everyone (including staff) to just lurk appropriately and play it by ear using common sense and intuition

For such minor things, rather than contribute to an official ever-growing list of THOU SHALT NOTs, I believe that we as a collective can decide for ourselves what we think is OK or not, and that everyone should have the option to lurk and decide for themselves how exactly they want to post (as long as they keep within the global rules of course)

Consider that digit checking, quote function abuse, quotelinking the OP in a reply, and not using line breaks appropriately on Strange World were all initially commonplace on Heyuri - and in all of these instances, all it took was a lone individual to inform and influence others with persuasive arguments, and then those things suddenly stopped for the most part - no rules or staff action required!

>A post on ayashii inspired me to add this
I made that post biggrin
Fixed /o/ biggrin
You can see oekakis from other threads under threads, at first I assumed that was me messing up uploads of log files, but seems like it's a new feature: https://github.com/satopian/poti-kaini-EN/
>v3.19.5 (I don't update each time POTI board receives an update, and we skipped this one)
>Added the ability to display images of the next and previous threads in the reply view.
It also have a lot of feature changes like continuing an oekaki not creating a new thread apparently. Hope you will enjoy using /o/!

>I think it's far better to keep the rules as minimal and non-specific as possible, and for everyone (including staff) to just lurk appropriately and play it by ear using common sense and intuition
I can agree with this. I sometimes go read Heyuri's archived threads to remind myself of how Heyuri works too, being staff doesn't mean we are entitled to do whatever we want on Heyuri (neither does any other site's staff). I believe lurking is more beneficial than reading rools or such pages anywhere on internet, but that's not the topic here.

The thing is I would be disabling myself from enforcing any disturbances if I only force global rules, except very obvious R8 breaking stuff like p*pes. The policy kuz expects from me is enforcing rules 1:1, and not deal with anything that isn't written there; while I was discussing him about this he exactly said that no good site ever relies on "common sense", so there is no point in discussing this with me.

I am not trying to "blame" him for this, especially not after he gave me right to edit rules. He just expects me to have them written down carefully, which I believe to have done now.

>Consider that digit checking, quote function abuse, quotelinking the OP in a reply, and not using line breaks appropriately on Strange World were all initially commonplace on Heyuri
I thought about this too! There is a reason Rule 10 tells you MAY get WARNED (and not b&'d, I actually ban users pretty rare myself - most public ban texts actually belongs to warnings). It's a word play to justify any warns that I issue or not issue regarding netiquette rules nyaoo-closedeyes

>no rules or staff action required
I can't know if staff action was required or not, but I did warn users a lot sweat2

btw, do you find changes I made to rules except this part reasonable?


Holy shit this thread is getting very long to scroll. But I did everything that I had in my mind when I created it, so unless you see something that I don't do, it completed its purpose except for this small netiquette issue smile
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>Fixed /o/
Awesome smile

>The policy kuz expects from me is enforcing rules 1:1, and not deal with anything that isn't written there; while I was discussing him about this he exactly said that no good site ever relies on "common sense", so there is no point in discussing this with me.
Well in that case I vehemently disagree with kuz's bizarre new stance on Heyuri moderation!!!

Heyuri was NEVAR about following some lame ass rules to the letter - kuz's own freaking moderation during the lolico+kuz days was the EPITOME of throwing out the rulebook and just using b&hammer whenever it felt right (and when it felt fun!), and that's the way I liek'd it!

>btw, do you find changes I made to rules except this part reasonable?
The rules are fine, it's just the "netiquette" crap I haet and I think will skew the image of this place to newcomers who don't know better in totally the wrong direction sweat3

If anything that page needed BALEETing, not rewriting or reaffirming!
>Heyuri was NEVAR about following some lame ass rules to the letter
And it will NEVAR be

Neither kuz or I (or other moderators in this regard) strictly follow Rules, but writing properly them down is justifying my actions if kuz ever confronts me about them..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ON TEH PAPER!!!!!!11!!1!!!11!!ONE!11

If any newcomer, assuming would be thoughtful enough to even look at rules page, would understand how things work on Heyuri after looking on boards and lurking a bit. It's just impossible to please everyone in a Heyuri where I want to see everyone happy cry
>Whether I agree with the things written on the tips page or not (and it's certainly more agreeable now than before), I don't agree that it's a good idea to host a completely serious, not-even-funny, and totally out of character list of 9001 different rules and guidelines for every little minor annoyance and pet peeve that the staff or the users have ever had, even if it includes things I myself have brought up in the past
>this is why I had a problem with such a page in the first place!
I don't understand, is the pages seriousness the reason you had a problem?
huh, why are you arguing then? If you don't strictly enforce rules
Let me clarify: I never supported enforcing rules exactly as they are written or not enforcing any rules that isn't written. The rules page was one of the outdated pages on Heyuri, so I made them more up-to-date while adding some of the things I warn users most about (such as OP quotelinking etc)
This does not mean I strictly enforce them each time, or don't enforce what isn't written there - This is simply what kuz expects, so I modified rules to better justify my actions according to his policy.

You may notice I am sometimes contradicting with kuz's policy according to what I tell. I indeed do, some of my actions aren't according to his "policy" or whatever, but this is never causes any struggles between I and kuz (unlike lolico+kuz times, remember what kuz wrote about withdrawing from being an administrator if it would help Heyuri in the last townhall).

Things are good as it is now, so I don't support thinking about our actions very deeply to a serious extent, so just enjoy freshly polished Heyuri biggrin
how do i shot web
dunno, lol ¯\(º_o)/¯
maek heyuri.net redirect to https in server settings, http a bad!! mask
i have https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere but it still doesn't auto redirect heyuri for some reason.

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