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Back in the old days, we got a huge boost because kuz advertised heyuri to his other site 9ch and they all came in, but due to the collapse that happened in august last year, it seems we lost about 60% of our userbase, though luckily we still have a handful of people who make OC.

Is there any places we can grow Heyuri in? Places that we could hold a partnership with somehow?

No more doomerist/alarmist bullcrap in mai /q/, heyuri always comes out on top
>Is there any places we can grow Heyuri in? Places that we could hold a partnership with somehow?
As much as I loev Heyuri and want this place to flourish, it's very tricky with the way things currently stand. The kinds of word-of-mouth promotion and partnerships we once had are now very difficult thanks to all teh drama, trolling, and butthurt that often ensues whenever Heyuri and associated sites/persons are namedropped. Onlookers who might have totally been interested in Heyuri end up not touching this place with a 9001ft pole when they see all the negative hullabaloo that gets generated whenever its brought up sweat2

Those who joined us more recently might be unaware, but once upon a year and a half ago (back when LOLico was still the main admin/dev and Heyuri's reputation had not yet been thoroughly dragged through teh p00p) we were in fact partnered with another board: 3chan. We had a link to their site on Heyuri, and they had link to ours on 3chan - it was a happy little internet friendship (I cannot confirm nor deny if penises were involved)

However, that partnership was senselessly slain when somebody crapflooded 3chan's entire site with internal Heyuri drama and s*yjak spam A LOT. This was despite the fact that 3chan had the decency to let us take refuge on their site after ours had been obliterated. It was a certified trainwreck, and even though I don't think it was the fault of any earnest Heyuri user, I don't blame 3chan for HAETing us now sad

It's such a shame, because its those kinds of partnerships and us having a reputation as being "the friendly, drama-free site that just wants everyone to get along and for the internet to be TEH AWESOME" that would (and did) do wonders not just for us, but for this entire side of teh interwebs, but... well, the honest truth is that some very shortsighted people would prefer to partake in st00pid brain-dead internet fights and crusades against various sites/admins, and now much of the goodwill towards us is teh g0ne sweat3

>we got a huge boost because kuz advertised heyuri to his other site 9ch and they all came in
It's worth remembering that they were only so inclined to come over because they no longer had a site of their own to call home - all the biggest movements in history (in both internets and Real Life) are due to people losing their previous homes

>No more doomerist/alarmist bullcrap in mai /q/
I'm all aboard the "positive thinking with no basis in reality!" train, but I don't think we'll get very far if we just re-attempt all the same things we've tried before while sweeping an entire circus-worth of elephants in the room under teh rug (it's a very big rug)
Surely we can just find somewhere else to make friends? 3chan kind of sux anyways
what about this vaporwave forum for teens?
The only way out is to go back to each one of our former enemies and make friends anew, it will take time to heal the damage caused by akima, faganon, tokiko, and others, but it can be done

If my resignation from public work on heyuri was something that had to be done in order for this to work (people might not like seeing my face in their inbox ;_;), then I will do it
I don't think spamming HEYURI.NET IS THE PLACE 2 BE!!!1!!! is a very good idea, but I'm sure it would bring some activity at least for a short while. Getting more activity should be a gradual process, but that doesn't mean it should take forever. If we want good and sustainable growth we should start linking to images hosted on Heyuri or talk about it in other chats. Post Heyuri-tan when someone asks for a cute anime, post screen captures from Heyuri, etc. I'm kind of shocked that Strangeworld being hosted here hasn't attracted more people, but I think it's because nobody knows about it!
Advertising to other niche communities would be nice in so far as Heyuri becomes better known, but it won't bring in the numbers in the same way.
Word-of-mouth is honestly my current go-to. It just depends on if the users of Heyuri have friends which would be interested in the site - which I'm not too sure if most have...
My bad. Bad internetz.
We could spread the word in the comment sections of low-viewed music videos and songs over on Youtube--specifically the genres of breakcore,incelcore and newer shoegaze stuff. A lot of these communities seem like they would have an affinity for Heyuri Culture--these videos use a lot of oekaki-like anime images and the fans have a lot of crazy humour.I've even seen some pretty good OC images. Of course a lot of these potential newcomers will have to be weaned off of nu-chan culture,which is what rule 8 is for.
I emphasize songs with low views, (under 10,000 maybe),because if only a select group hears about Heyuri, it'll reduce the amount of annoying and weird people coming round.
I don't hear anything good about "somethingcore" followers, but comments of low viewed videos may be a good option (if u have a youtube account)
Another thing to note is how you drop the word though. If you just spam "I DONT CARE AT ALL ABOUT UR VIDEO BUT HERE IS A SUPER COOL WEBSITE ON THE INTERNETS" on all videos, it would do more harm than good.
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>specifically the genres of breakcore,incelcore and newer shoegaze stuff
Heyuri is a eurodance board biggrin
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Yeah, but people actually listen to Eurodance, so we wont be able to keep a low profile like I'm suggesting dark
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Not that eurodance - this eurodance! (AKA bubblegum dance)
There's a lot of relatively obscure/lost to time stuff out there if you go digging smile

(PS: you just lost)
Anybody can see through disguised advertising.
"This is really cool, but the way, here's a cool website", is worse than just advertising the website.
Make something like 4chan City, but Heyuri-themed. A big celebration of the website that people will share and remember.
I’m sadly a newfiggywiggyjiggyjig here. cry

But I wanna learn a lot of the awesome OCs here like Little Alice and cute robot! mona2

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