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1. What are "retail flash files" mentioned in the rules?
2. Also in the rules, regarding /q/: "Do not post non meta topics outside of here!". Did you mean "Do not post non meta topics inside of here!"?
3. Is this pic against rule 8?
arent rage faces too 2008 for heyuri
I would say it's more of "how" you use than "what" you use.
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>1. What are "retail flash files" mentioned in the rules?
Probably refers to non-freeware flash files - back in the day there were flash-based games that cost real moneez (liek Samorost 2)

>2. Also in the rules, regarding /q/: "Do not post non meta topics outside of here!". Did you mean "Do not post non meta topics inside of here!"?
I think it's supposed to read "Do not post meta topics outside of here!", but in practice the only time it's enforced is whenever a dramaqueen shows up

>3. Is this pic against rule 8?
Just use the original, or alternatively this edit:
>3. Is this pic against rule 8?
<I think rule 8 is more about how you use it unless it's a shitty nu-meme (which this might count as), but I don't see anything wrong with using it so long as the spirit of Heyuri is maintained. If you want to be sure, maybe ask one of the mods on IRC or see if you get banned for using them. There isn't much reason to use it anyway unless it's relevant, just use >>60743
No! Dont use that edit! Make your own heyuri-tan edit and then use that one!
Thank you all for answering my questions

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